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Postfix won't accept SMTP from machines other

+/- details
User firemark
Incident Number 37258
Date 2002/11/01 03:30
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Mail Server

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
firemark : 01/11/02 03:30 AM : Incident created
-   I've got a small office network in my home. I've set up one of my boxes as a mail server. Postfix is running fine on this machine. I'm able to read and write mail from this localhost without a problem.

I've got other machines around the office and house from which I'd like to be able to send and receive my email. Retreiving email via POP3 is no problem, but sending email via SMTP has been a headache.

When I attempt to send email from a client machine (Using Ximian Evolution), I receive the following error message:

"Error while sending "TEST"
Could not connect to (port 25): connection refused"

For now, the client machine is on the same network, but eventually, I'd like to be able to send mail from this server via internet (i.e.from my other office)

I'm sure I've missed a setting.. can you point me in the right direction?


-Gordon Firemark

Linegod_7611 : 01/11/02 04:29 AM : Reply received
-   Try using the internal IP for that mail server:

ie: (or whatever)

You will have to use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) on your mail server (I
am assuming that it is not actually and on your clients when
you want to access it from outside.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

firemark : 01/11/02 07:48 PM : More info provided
-   The suggestion of using the numerical IP address did NOT resolve the issue. I still receive the same error message.

Linux-phased : 02/11/02 03:44 AM : Reply received
-   Hi Gordon, what happens if you execute command from a client:

telnet IP_Of_THe_Machine_That_runs_Postfix 25

for example

telnet 25

You should get a message like:

220 ESMTP Postfix (1.1.11) (Linux-phased Secure)

If not you have to check your security level and firewall settings in Mandrake
Also make sure you have set the option:

inet_interfaces = all

in of postfix

Let me know if you need more help. If you need more help provide your
to speed up things and to give me the needed info.

firemark : 18/12/02 05:10 AM : Incident closed

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