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Where's harddrake?

+/- details
User jimmcghee
Incident Number 35269
Date 2002/10/17 01:14
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
jimmcghee : 17/10/02 01:14 AM : Incident created
-   Since my I-Opener can't boot from floppy or cd, I loaded Mandrake on another machine and then moved the hard drive to the I-Opener. I now need to reconfigure the video and network cards. The doc says use harddrake, but when I type 'harddrake' at the root command prompt it says 'Command not found'.

Linegod_7611 : 17/10/02 01:58 AM : Reply received
-   Try 'harddrake2'

You can also do command line completion by typing a partitial command and then
hitting 'TAB' ie: type 'hard' and then hit tab, it will give you a list of commands
with 'hard' in them.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

sweller : 17/10/02 10:13 AM : Reply received
-   Try typing /usr/sbin/harddrake2

- Si

jimdunn_6089 : 17/10/02 03:25 PM : Reply received
-   Or if harddrake is not installed, you can install it by typing

urpmi harddrake

you'll need to be root :)
You may be prompted to insert cds

Hope that helps...

If it solves your problem, please don't forget to close the incident :)

jimmcghee : 20/10/02 01:35 AM : More info provided
-   The comment about the 'Tab' to see the rest of a command was good. harddrake2 was also good except that harddrake won't run if it doesn't know the right video card.
The correct solution was XFdrake which can run in text mode. I really think the documentation for starting harddrake from the command line should be amended to say harddrake2 and also mention using XFdrake as an alternative when harddrake won't work.
There's no reason to make this harder than it has to be.

jimmcghee : 20/10/02 01:36 AM : Incident closed

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