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Permissions driving me crazy

+/- details
User omegax11
Incident Number 34630
Date 2002/10/11 19:59
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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omegax11 : 11/10/02 07:59 PM : Incident created
-   I can't seem to set permissions that want to stick...

I'd like to give myself access to /usr without being root. I can get it working, but as soon as I reboot it reverts back to read/execute only.

I also can't give myself access to a Samba share. I can write to it as root, but just can't figure out how to allow anybody else to have write access. If I umount the share, I can set up write access, but as soon as it's mounted again it disappears.

Linegod_7611 : 12/10/02 12:44 AM : Reply received
-   It's most likely msec switching the permissions back. You can create a custom
security setting via the security tools in Mandrake Control Center.

And there is no reason a user needs access to the entire /usr area. Leaving access
for root only is a security feature, and changing this will most likely cause problems
in the long run. Give access to /usr/local if need be, but any programs should be
installed as root anyway.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

omegax11 : 15/10/02 05:14 AM : More info provided
-   Still not working properly.

I went into the Security Permissions dialog in the Security part of the Mandrake Control Center & set up a custom permission for /mnt/<windowsshare> that allowed the owner, group & other users RWX access. Absolutely nothing changed...I can understand not messing around with /usr, but I want to be able to write to my Windows box.

Linegod_7611 : 15/10/02 08:19 AM : Reply received
-   Since that is a mounted non-Linux filesystem, it does not have the same permission
capabilites as the other filesystems, and is based on the initial mounting by fstab.
Check your '/etc/fstab' for the initial permissions on that mountpoint.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

omegax11 : 16/10/02 08:15 AM : More info provided
-   What would I edit in fstab to gte it working?

omegax11 : 17/10/02 07:52 PM : Incident closed

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