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How do I run an installed program not seen by KDE

+/- details
User haskle
Incident Number 34454
Date 2002/10/10 03:16
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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haskle : 10/10/02 03:16 AM : Incident created
-   Despite the fact that the experts, or one of them seems reluctant to answer simple questions, I'm going to broach this subject again.
I want to use GCC. It was on my installation disk, but apparently didn't load during initial installment. I think I have installed it. At least I can find it
listed in installed programs under software management. My quest tion now is how do I run it? KDE apparently doesn't see it. I've found no way to
get KDE to see it. AS I said I can list it and get a one sentence description with software manager, but I can't run it from there. If I wanted to use command line,
I don't even know what the name of the executable file is! GCC in command line results in exactly nothing! There are some other programs which I would like to load
and run too. Either I'm extremely stupid or Mandrake's documentation is a wee bit lacking.

Linegod_7611 : 10/10/02 04:50 AM : Reply received
-   At a console, type 'gcc' and then hit tab. It should complete to 'gcc-3.2' (or
whatever version you have). You can also do 'rpm -ql gcc|more' and it will output
the files installed (you can do this with other programs also). Look for programs
in '/usr/bin' , '/usr/sbin', '/sbin', or '/bin' in the list, and those are the files that you
will be able to execute.

As a note, however, gcc is a just a compiler, not a Interactive Development
Enviroment, like kdevelop or MS Visual Basic. gcc is usually just run against a code
that was either developed in a IDE, or done by hand.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

MandrakeSoft : 10/10/02 04:42 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,

The gcc software is a c compilateur, for using it you must devellope one program and compile it with the gcc command.
No if you don't have it, you can install it by using this command in console as root :
urpmi gcc

Best regards,

The technical support team.

haskle : 11/10/02 03:25 AM : Incident closed

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