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Mandrake 9.0 rc3 as a router/firewall

+/- details
User fishinggeek
Incident Number 33655
Date 2002/10/03 05:58
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
fishinggeek : 03/10/02 05:58 AM : Incident created
-   I'm trying to configure a new rc3 server to act as a router/firewall to a couple Windows (2000 and 98) machines. I have Ethernet cable going from modem to eth0 and then from eth1 to hub and lastly from hub to windows 2000 (have not tested 98 machine). Firewall is turned off to remove it from problem list for time being.

Server can reach Internet and ping Windows machine ( Windows machine can ping eth1 ( and eth0 (assigned by cable company via DHCP). When trying to load web page on Windows 2000 it gets past resolving the URL and to connecting,but it never connects. Web page was verified live with server first. Gateway on Windows 2000 machine resolves to eth1 address. Internet Connection Sharing was configured to use eth1.

What am I missing or doing wrong? I searched the online mandrakeexpert database and have found nothing.


Linegod_7611 : 03/10/02 06:11 AM : Reply received
-   The first thing I would do would be to update your packages to the latest official
release packages. There where many problems with the firewall in RC2 and RC3,
which where sorted out just prior to the final.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

sweller : 03/10/02 12:49 PM : Reply received
-   ok...just reading between the lines can ping your modem router
right or not?
Are you using a cross-over cable between the modem and your eth0?

- Si

fishinggeek : 03/10/02 09:00 PM : More info provided
-   According to Update Agent (or whatever it's called; I'm at work at the moment) I'm completely up to date with my rc3 installation.

fishinggeek : 03/10/02 09:01 PM : More info provided
-   According to Update Agent (or whatever it's called; I'm at work at the moment) I'm completely up to date with my rc3 installation.

fishinggeek : 03/10/02 09:05 PM : More info provided
-   The cable modem that I have is only a modem and not a router as well, so I'm not sure how I would ping it. I'm hoping to use the rc3 server as the router by going from the cable modem to eth0 and then from eth1 to a hub for dispersal from there.

My rc3 box can ping the Windows box and the Windows box can ping the IP addie at both eth0 and eth1.

fishinggeek : 03/10/02 09:10 PM : More info provided
-   Also, I'm running a standard cat5 cable from the modem to eth0. This does not seem to be a problem, as I can reach the Internet with the server.

Really, a crossover shouldn't be needed anywhere in the process if I'm getting a valid IP on the Windows box from the rc3 server and pings are working properly between the two. Or am I missing something?

sweller : 04/10/02 12:23 AM : Reply received
-   can you do me a favour here and kinda of do an ascii diagram of your current
network. ie

cable modem ( -> eth0 (
eth0 -> eth1 (ip address) etc


- Si

fishinggeek : 04/10/02 12:46 AM : More info provided
-   Wall-->RCA cable modem-->eth0 (DHCP-assigned IP by ISP)
eth1(>hub-->Windows box (

Like that?

fishinggeek : 04/10/02 12:47 AM : More info provided
-   eth0 and eth1 are the two NIC's in the rc3 box.

sweller : 04/10/02 01:25 AM : Reply received
-   when you refer to the word 'server' in your first post..I take that to mean
the router/firewall(the rc3 machine) correct?

- Si

fishinggeek : 04/10/02 03:19 AM : More info provided
-   bingo. The server is the rc3 machine that sits between the cable modem and the hub.

sweller : 04/10/02 04:35 AM : Reply received
-   To me it sounds like your network is up, but ports are being blocked, or not
routed since it sounds like your dns forwarding is functioning ok, or else
you wouldn't even get the domain resolving correctly. I'll have a play with
it when I get home from work tonight and see what I can come up with.

- Si

fishinggeek : 04/10/02 05:21 AM : More info provided
-   Okay, maybe this is a dumb question so please bear with a newbie. I'm looking at a RedHat 7 Unleashed book and it mentions an ipchains directory off of the sbin directory. I don't seem to have one of these. Should I?

sweller : 04/10/02 07:33 AM : Reply received
-   Ipchains was the default firewall system for 2.2.x kernels, 2.4.x kernels
(that mandrake 9 uses) actually use a new firewall system called iptables.

So in short, unless kernel 2.4.x was built with ipchains support, then nope
ipchain's won't be installed.

- Si

fishinggeek : 05/10/02 02:27 AM : More info provided
-   I kind of thought that was the case, as I saw iptables in there.

Let me know if you come up with anything.

sweller : 05/10/02 01:45 PM : Reply received
-   is this box only for a firewall/router (ie it has no other task)?

- Si

fishinggeek : 05/10/02 04:29 PM : More info provided
-   I was planning on using it as a box to learn the various aspects of Linux as well. My hope was to install VNC, DNS, NIS, and Samba and get to know both of those as well.

If I just wanted a router/firewall then I'd go to a second-hand shop and get an old 486 or similar and use Smoothwall, but I know that this can work and I have a hard time admitting defeat when I know this.

It's a learning experience.

sweller : 05/10/02 11:16 PM : Reply received
-   yep, I totally understand. What I suggest you do to start with is download
mandrake 9 release, install that, and then we'll go step by step through your
configuration and get it up and running. I've read a couple of interesting
newsgroup posts about an issue with the firewall not being configured
correctly. Obviously there may be issues with rc3 as well that I'm missing,
so installing the release version would probably be a wise start.

- Si

fishinggeek : 06/10/02 12:54 AM : More info provided
-   I didn't realize that final was out. I'm downloading now and should have them done in about 3 hours time. Are there specific options/packages that I should install this time to make sure that I get as much of everything installed as I need the first time around?

sweller : 06/10/02 09:42 AM : Reply received
-   not really, when you setup shorewall and ICS it should install any extra
packages that are required. I personally always install all the dev stuff
because I often compile software.

Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of your problem soon :-)

- Si

fishinggeek : 06/10/02 05:40 PM : More info provided
-   Okay, everything is installed. I used the "cable" networking option and I have the Internet going to my Mandrake box. I ran ICS Wizard and it chose eth1. My Windows 2000 box gets a good IP assigned but still Internet.

Oh, and I took the hub out of the loop and instead installed a crossover cable to eliminate the hub from the list of potential problems. So now I go from cable modem to eth0 with a cat5, and from eth1 to my Windows 2000 box with a crossover cable.

fishinggeek : 06/10/02 05:41 PM : More info provided
-   Are there any files that I can attach or paste into a comment that might show where my configuration is going wrong?

fishinggeek : 07/10/02 09:50 PM : More info provided
-   I'm not sure how I did it, but it's now working with Mandrake 9.0 final. One of the things that I might have done that made a difference was setup networking as "cable" and not "lan". I did this, then did ICS and it's working with the crossover cable. Tonight I'll try and introduce the hub and see if I can maintain operability. If not...may have to get new hub.

Thank you very much for the assistance.

fishinggeek : 07/10/02 09:51 PM : Incident closed

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