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/bin/sh: line 1: c : command not

+/- details
User tufkal
Incident Number 33014
Date 2002/09/28 06:02
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 (Dolphin)
Architecture x86_32
Scope Development

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tufkal : 28/09/02 06:02 AM : Incident created
-   /bin/sh: line 1: c : command not found

What package am I missing that I didnt get in the development section. I know its rare that make files use this anymore.

(I think the 2 plus signs are being removed by the web server form script, but the command it cannot find is C )

tensor : 28/09/02 05:21 PM : Reply received
-   c plus plus is a symbolic link to an executable in gcc. You can install the
packages with urmpi gcc gcc-cpp gcc-c libgcc1
You can also use the graphical installer - search for gcc and install the
relevant packages

tufkal : 28/09/02 07:30 PM : More info provided
-   [tufkal@linuxbox tufkal]$ rpm -qa | grep cpp
[tufkal@linuxbox tufkal]$ rpm -qa | grep c
libstdc 2.10-2.96-0.80mdk
libstdc 5-devel-3.2-1mdk
gcc-c -3.2-1mdk
libstdc 5-3.2-1mdk
[tufkal@linuxbox tufkal]$

They are installed :( And as I thought the web server is removing the plus signs, the error again i get when compiling Endeavor Mark II is

/bin/sh: line 1: c~~ : command not

Replace ~ with a plus sign

tensor : 28/09/02 10:26 PM : Reply received
-   It's strange, because gcc-c -3.2-1mdk contains /usr/bin/c Check if you
have that file. You can also edit the makefile replacing c with gcc (you
should 'see' gcc)
As a side note, you can also download an rpm of endeavour mk2, 2.1.18 to be
precise (endeavour-2.1.18-1mdk.i586.rpm) from any Mandrake cooker mirror. As
an example, you can find it at

tufkal : 28/09/02 11:49 PM : More info provided
-   [tufkal@linuxbox bin]$ ls c*
c @ charset* composite*
c2ph* chattr* consolechars@
c89* chbg* consolehelper*
c99* chfn* consolehelper-gtk*
cal* chsh**
cancel@ chvt* convert*
cancel-cups* ci* cpp@
captoinfo@ cksum* cpp-3.2*
catchsegv* clear* c_rehash*
cc@ cmp* crontab*
ccexample* cmuwmtopbm* csplit*
cdda2mp3* co* csv2vcard*
cdda2wav* codepage* cube3d*
cddb-slave2-properties* col* cups-config*
cddb-track-editor* colcrt* cut@
cdrecord* colrm* cvs*
cedit* column* cvsbug*
c filt* comm* cytune*
chage* comp_err*
[tufkal@linuxbox bin]$

It is a symbolic link (i think) to /etc/alternatives/c (which doesnt exist)

tensor : 29/09/02 08:28 AM : Reply received
-   Mandrake now uses the debian alternatives system to accomodate different
versions of a package or different packages fullfilling the same role.
(See also man update-alternatives)
Perhaps your alternatives directory is misconfigured. Try
update-alternatives --verbose --config g
You should see a menu of choices - choose /usr/bin/colorg -3.2 or
/usr/bin/g -3.2 as you prefer (colorg has an output colorizer to pretty
print error messages ...)
This should re-make the symbolic links

tufkal : 29/09/02 04:23 PM : Incident closed
-   [root@linuxbox tufkal]# update-alternatives --verbose --config g

There is only 1 program which provides g
(/usr/bin/g -3.2). Nothing to configure.
Checking available versions of g , updating links in /etc/alternatives ...
(You may modify the symlinks there yourself if desired - see `man ln'.)
Leaving g (/usr/bin/g ) pointing to /usr/bin/g -3.2.
Updating c (/usr/bin/c ) to point to /usr/bin/g -3.2.
[root@linuxbox tufkal]#

=) Thanks guys

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