- i followed the instructions, donwloaded the .exe and tried with a command promtp, but to no avial, i got this strange error, saying invalid filename/folder. so i do this...
C:My DocumentsMandrake>dir
Volume in drive C is HP_PAVILION
Volume Serial Number is 366C-1CEB
Directory of C:My DocumentsMandrake
. <DIR> 09/09/02 22:25 .
.. <DIR> 09/09/02 22:25 ..
MANDRA~1 ISO 666,840,624 10/09/02 2:15 Mandrake82-cd1-inst.i5
MANDRA~2 ISO 680,624,128 10/09/02 13:00 Mandrake82-cd2-ext.i58
MANDRA~3 ISO 679,739,392 11/09/02 0:19 Mandrake82-cd3-supp.i5
README TXT 3,978 19/09/02 21:09 README.txt
README 2,050 19/09/02 20:49 README
MD5SUMS 82 188 19/09/02 21:11 md5sums.82
MD5SUM~1 TXT 188 19/09/02 21:12 .md5sum.txt
7 file(s) 2,027,210,548 bytes
2 dir(s) 4,879.59 MB free
C:My DocumentsMandrake>md5sum -c Mandrake82-cd1-inst.i586.iso
when i hit enter to run the command i start to get all these errors, invalid file folder, Failed Read write...etc... Ive tried all the md5sum files i could find in the ftp but no luck, i dont know why i cant check them...maybe you do ? thanks again...