Starting Mailman
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Gladness : 16/09/02 02:56 PM : Incident created |
- Hi,
I installed Mailmain RPM from an Mandrake update CD I just received.
When I was doing installation, the config file lended in
The other files landed in /var/lib/mailman and in /usr/share/docs/mailman
directories where there is documentation on how to set it.
I have read many documentations on the net including the one that has been included in the RPM, but I have not come across any information that does show how to start it. Can you please show me where do I go to start mailmail?
Please note that I upadated my system from apache1.23 to use apache2-40 which is in totally different directories.. For example, the httpd2.conf file is found
in /etc/httpd2/conf/httpd2.conf when apache1-23 was /etc/httpd/conf/ where mailman installed its config file (mailman.conf) . Because of this difference, I don't know
where to go to cause mailman to start, or what commend to use to cause it to
start with apache2-40. I tried to start it using httpd2.conf and I received the following
httpd2: could not open document config file /etc/httpd/conf/mailmail.conf
Can you shaow me what place or a command I should use to start it. I want to be eble to set it so that all web sites I am hosting for my clients will have each, their own area to set their e-mail alias.
Please inform me if this is initiated in the VirtualHost containers in httpd2.conf or if it should be set form somewhere else and how to do it.
Rev. Dr. Abella Kasheke
Linegod_7611 : 17/09/02 01:17 AM : Reply received |
- Mailman isn't a 'server' like apache or postfix, but a series of cronjobs that control the
posting and archiving of messages. You can check the status of the cronjobs by
# su - mailman
# crontab -e
Your first step would be to create a test list ($prefix directory is /var/lib/mailman)
following the instructions at . This will require
you to add some output to '/etc/postfix/aliases', then in the '/etc/postfix' directory,
you run 'postalias aliases' to rebuild the aliases.db, and finally restart postfix with
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix restart'
You would then point your browser at http://localhost/mailman/listinfo , and go from
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
MandrakeSoft : 23/09/02 11:06 AM : Reply received |
- Hello,
If you have installed mailman, you don't have to launch it. it's a apache modules so it is launch when apache start and you can managed it with a web page. normally name /<my_host>/mailman
But I don't think that the mailman module is compatible with apache v2, try to install a v1.
You can find more explication to hwo to configure it at or
You also have another mailing list manager like majordomo...
Best regards,
The technical support team.
MandrakeSoft : 23/09/02 11:12 AM : Reply received |
- Hello,
Mailman doesn't have to "be launch", it's an apache module that starts when apache starts. you just have to edit your /etc/httpd.conf to precise that mailman module must be include to apache.
Then you have to go to a web page on your web server to adminitrate your mailman.
I've read some documentation and mailman does not seems to work with apache v2. try to reinstall the v1.
You will find at all you need to configure your mailman.
Best regards,
The technical support team.
Gladness : 15/11/02 12:28 AM : More info provided |
- Hi,
Sorry it took long to respond to your message.
I followed the instructions you gave me and that I found on the URL you advised me to read and was able to see some positive outcome in configuring mailman.
I still have the following problems though:
1. The first time I did the command, /var/lib/mailman/lib/newlist to initiate my first list, things seemed to work because I received the following result:
## gladnessprod mailing list
## created: 14-Nov-2002 john
gladnessprod: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post gladnessprod"
gladnessprod-admin: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner gladnessprod"
gladnessprod-request: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd gladnessprod"
gladnessprod-owner: gladnessprod-admin
The only problem is that I did not get the email sent to me that could allow me to go to where I could see my web site's listinfo page owner where I could do final settings.
At first, when I had not done changes to my and created a list, the following email was sent to me from the URL that was configured in the
The mailing list `gladness' has just been created for you. The
following is some basic information about your mailing list.
Your mailing list password is:
You need this password to configure your mailing list. You also need
it to handle administrative requests, such as approving mail if you
choose to run a moderated list.
You can configure your mailing list at the following web page:
The web page for users of your mailing list is:
You can even customize these web pages from the list configuration
page. However, you do need to know HTML to be able to do this.
There is also an email-based interface for users (not administrators)
of your list; you can get info about using it by sending a message
with just the word `help' as subject or in the body, to:
[email protected]
To unsubscribe a user: from the mailing list 'listinfo' web page,
click on or enter the user's email address as if you were that user.
Where that user would put in their password to unsubscribe, put in
your admin password. You can also use your password to change
member's options, including digestification, delivery disabling, etc.
Please address all questions to [email protected].
I need your help to know why I have not received this email after entering my URL particulars, instead of
Here is how my web site containant is configured:
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/html/cgi-bin/
ScriptAlias /mailman/ /var/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/
Alias /manual/ /var/www/html/manual/
Alias /icons/ /var/www/icons/
Alias /icons/ /var/lib/mailman/icons/
Alias /pipermail/ /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/
Alias /pipermail/ /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/gladmain-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/gladmain-access_log common
a). What is the problem that I can not not have an email like the one above sent to me? Please note that I did the changes you asked me to do.
b). Do I have to include a /var/lib/mailman/listinfo/gladnessprod in the container above? Or, shall I let python create the directories in the process of executing its functions?
c). Do I have to make the directory gladnessprod in the /var/lib/mailman/infolist directories or not?
Please note that after implimenting the configuartions asked, I pointed my broswer to both http://localhost/mailman/listinfo and latter to and was given the following error message:
You don't have permission to access /mailman/listinfo on this server.
Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.43 Server at Port 80
To finish, would you please advise me on what I should do and inform me if the container above is set right to run mailman.
Also note that the status of the crontab after doing the crontab -e had nothing in it.
I lookforward hearing form you.
Rev. Dr. Abella Kasheke
Linegod_7611 : 16/11/02 12:05 AM : Reply received |
- When you create a list, you have to add the part it pumps out:
## gladnessprod mailing list
## created: 14-Nov-2002 john
gladnessprod: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post gladnessprod"
gladnessprod-admin: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner gladnessprod"
gladnessprod-request: "|/var/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd gladnessprod"
gladnessprod-owner: gladnessprod-admin
to your '/etc/postifix/aliases' then 'cd' to '/etc/postfix' and run 'postalias aliases' and then restart
postfix with '/etc/rc.d/init.d/postfix restart'. This will add the proper aliases to your mailserver so
the lists go to the right area.
When you have copied and restarted postfix, then hit enter to send the initial message.
Gladness : 06/12/02 02:30 AM : Incident closed |
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