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Install over Red Hat 7.3?

+/- details
User JuddRogers
Incident Number 31489
Date 2002/09/10 20:50
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
JuddRogers : 10/09/02 08:50 PM : Incident created
-   Is it reasonable to expect installing Mandrake 8.2 over RedHat 7.3 would work at all well?


Linegod_7611 : 10/09/02 09:15 PM : Reply received
-   If you have a seperate /home partition, the odds are better that it will
work, since if worst comes to worst, you can do an install, and leave
the /home partition alone.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

JuddRogers : 10/09/02 10:45 PM : More info provided
-   Well, .... yes.
And a backup would be good too.

But, __should__ it work? Or does mandrake number their RPM files differently than Red Hat? Or is Mandrake using a different kernel than RH7.3, ....

Anyone know why this will not work?

If not, I'll give it a try.

Thanks Again!

Linux-phased : 11/09/02 10:18 AM : Reply received
-   No it will not work at all,since RedHat and Mandrake have different dependency
lists, Mandrake would not be able to resolve which packages would have to be
removed or which have to be be untouched and the other reason is, mandrake
packages are name mdk.rpm and RedHat packages are not named that way so no way
for 8.2 to find out what packages need to be kept what need to be updated, not
even to mention, that 7.3 uses a different gcc version which is not compatible
with mandrake. So this would definetely end up in a fucked up installation.
But as Linegood already said if you have an extra home partition you could
keep this homepartition untouched, but the rest has to be formatted and a
fresh install has to be made.

If this answer helped you please make sure you close this incident and rate
the expert that helped you.

JuddRogers : 11/09/02 04:37 PM : Incident closed

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