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unistalling softwarwe

+/- details
User Spyke
Incident Number 30896
Date 2002/09/04 01:06
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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Spyke : 04/09/02 01:06 AM : Incident created
-   how do i kill the apps i dont want?

Linegod_7611 : 04/09/02 09:21 AM : Reply received
-   To uninstall apps, either use the Software Manager to uninstall them, or at a
console, as root, do:

# rpm -e appname

For example, if you wanted to uninstall apache, do:

# rpm -e apache

If it tells you there are other apps that depend on 'apache', you would add those to
the 'rpm -e' command

# rpm -e apache apache-suexec

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Spyke : 04/09/02 01:58 PM : More info provided
-   what about adding them?

starfan : 04/09/02 04:05 PM : Reply received
-   Adding programs is pretty much just as simple. The Software Manager,
accessable from the menus and the Mandrake Control Center (aka rpmdrake) will
install and uninstall and is perhaps the simplest way if you know little
about doing it on the command line.

There is of course the old:
rpm -ivh packagename
that installs, and
rpm -Uvh packagename
that updates a package with a new one you have.

There is a more intuitave command line version you have which is urpm
To install use (as root of course)
urpmi packagename
to uninstall
urpme packagename

It will prompt you for CDs and tell you about dependancies and what not.

Here is the difference:
urpm is much like the software manager. It knows what CDs you have and you
can add sources to both. They are linked I think so what you have in one
should be in the other. It will only install programs that which you have
defined sources for. It knows nothing about the file you just downloaded to
your desktop.

rpm -option(s) packagename
is the old way. It's much more manual and knows nothing about the CDs. You
must have the package on your machine. You go into the directory the file is
in and issue the command. It can tell you about dependancies, but it won't
install them for you.

For more info read the man pages on them in a console
man rpm
man urpmi

To navigate man pages, press space to go down a page, Enter to go down a
line, b to go back a page and q to quit.

Hopefully this answers your questions. Please be sure to close the incident
if it does. Thanks!

Spyke : 04/09/02 09:06 PM : Incident closed

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