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+/- details
User QtMan
Incident Number 30862
Date 2002/09/03 18:48
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Window Managers

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QtMan : 03/09/02 06:48 PM : Incident created
-   How do I configure the layout of the desktop icons? Specifically, how can I control the vertical and horizontal spacing of the desktop icons?
I am running Mandrake Linux 8.2.


Linegod_7611 : 03/09/02 07:49 PM : Reply received
-   Which Window Manager are you using? GNOME or KDE?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

QtMan : 03/09/02 11:58 PM : More info provided
-   I am using KDE

starfan : 08/09/02 11:31 AM : Reply received
-   You can right click on the Desktop and Arrange Icons. I don't know if you can
control the spacing. I've never seen anywhere to adjust that. You can go (from
the K menu) into Configuration -> KDE -> Look and Feel -> Icons for more
configuration of them, but I don't see any way to control thier spacing done
by auto arranging.

If this helps, please be sure to close the incident. Thanks.

QtMan : 09/09/02 06:02 PM : More info provided
-   I have already tried all that.
Surely there must exist configuration options as basic as the horizontal
and vertical spacing between icons. With differnet resolutions and icon sizes
the automatic arrangement performed is incorrect in many cases - causesing the user
to do a "hand job" on icon positioning. Perhaps, someone else more knowledgable
can be off assistance.

Thanks for your attempt to answer the question anyway.


starfan : 09/09/02 09:52 PM : Reply received
-   There has been that ability in previous versions I know. Here is an older doc
on doing exactly what you want.,,35862 131 24229 8086,00.html
and this page mentions it, but it is an older version of KDE as well

You can look in the KDE Control Center and see if you can configure it there,
but I nor any of the other people I asked could find it. If they have removed
that feature, then it would appear that the answer is you can't. I've looked
all through the current KDE docs and that option doesn't seem to exist in any
of the documentation. It is very likely that it has been hard coded in. It
seems silly that they would do this, but sometimes programmers do these

I even dug throughout all the kde dotfiles and could not find any
configuration, variables or parameters relating to icon spacing.

KDE is one of those programs that is almost infinitly configurable, but there
are sometimes some things you cannot configure.

I know it seems that this is relativly simple, and it should be. But I really
don't think it can be done.

QtMan : 10/09/02 05:50 PM : More info provided
-   If it existed in prior versions, and it is such a basic fearure, I can
only imagine that it was left out by accident.

I'm not sure who at the KDE organization to notify, but I think it would be a good idea
to notify them - so that the feature can be put back in on future versions.

Basic features like that might seem inconsequential, but I believe that basic
features are more important than some of the more exotic features of a windowing

Anyway, that's my 2 cents... ;)


starfan : 11/09/02 12:09 AM : Reply received
-   Well I do see your point. I'm sure they are well aware of it missing. I
realize that it's an important feature to you. However, there are many users
who don't use that feature and to some it is considered exotic. I guess it
boils down to this:
You have a timetable for releasing software. You have to decide what to put
in and what to leave out, because sometimes it all can't go in. Sometimes
tough decisions have to be made and a feature gets dropped. Sometimes some
code conflicts with other code, and when you run out of time, you have to
make a decision. Making quality software is tough, especially window
managers. Honestly you are the first person I've ever heard that actually
cares about it, but that doesn't mean there aren't more like you.

You can go up to and check the contacts and mailing lists and ask
them there. The developers are probably the best to discuss it with. If
enough people complain about it, then they will likely make sure the feature
is returned in a future release.

Thanks and please don't forget to close when you're done.

QtMan : 11/09/02 10:19 PM : More info provided
-   Ok. Thanks.

QtMan : 11/09/02 10:23 PM : Incident closed
-   The problem was not solved because it is thought to be a "missing feature" for the current KDE release in Linux Mankrake 8.2.

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