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How long before final version??

+/- details
User gooseme
Incident Number 30708
Date 2002/09/02 00:52
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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gooseme : 02/09/02 12:52 AM : Incident created
-   Hi

Version 9.0 is like preparing a savory roast to a starving person. It must first be prepared. Then the kitchen must be cleaned up. then it must be basted, tasted, fussed over, etc. Then it must cook all day. Then the kitchen table must be set. Then dinner must be served. Then dinner must cool off. Then you must pray over dinner. So this is what Mandrake Linux v9.0 is like. Wait...and wait...and wait. Beta 1#...then wait 2 weeks...beta 2#...then wait 2 weeks...etc. Then comes the RC's (RC 1#, RC 2#, etc). Gosh, just release the thing already before I die of suspense!!!

Linegod_7611 : 02/09/02 12:54 AM : Reply received
-   That's the first time that I've heard someone say the Beta cycle goes too slow :)

Most say Mandrake should take more time. And the final should be here around
Sept 19th.

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gooseme : 02/09/02 01:13 AM : More info provided
-   Hi Leo

Nah, I was just joking. It is good that they are taking a little extra time to do it right. I am very excited though (just like I'm sure everyone else is). It just seems like the more you want something in life ... the longer it takes;). Gosh, Sept 19thg seems like a million years away <::sigh::>

gooseme : 02/09/02 01:14 AM : More info provided
-   Hi Leo

Nah, I was just joking. It is good that they are taking a little extra time to do it right. I am very excited though (just like I'm sure everyone else is). It just seems like the more you want something in life ... the longer it takes;). Gosh, Sept 19thg seems like a million years away <::sigh::>

gooseme : 03/09/02 01:53 AM : Incident closed

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