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SteveThomason : 30/08/02 04:13 PM : Incident created |
- I am dual booting and have read the HOWTO document on mounting. I have mounted the Windows partition (which is hda1) and can see the files and directories when using the terminal logged in as root. HOWEVER, I cannot view the files in my directory "My MP3 Files." The terminal says that the directory "My" doesn't exist. Do I need to add some fill character for the spaces in the Windows directory name?
I mounted the partition to /mnt/windows, but the directory appears as a "Locked Directory." I have changed the permissions using "chmod" and even changed the owner using "chown" but cannot access the files.
How can I get access to my files on the Windows partition? How can I copy them over to the Linux partition so I can use them in Star Office and play my MP3 files?
Linegod_7611 : 30/08/02 04:38 PM : Reply received |
- Either enclose it in quotes:
# cd /mnt/windows
# cd "My MP3 Files"
or use '\' before every space.
# cd My\ MP3\ Files
Oh, and pressing 'TAB' at the console will complete commands and directories,
which should help in these situtations.
You can't apply privileges to Windows partitions, it doesn't understand them (the
filesystem is still a Windows filesystem, you are just 'viewing' it from Linux). The
quickest way to access them is to switch to root via the 'su' command. If you want
a longer explanation on how to change it so users can access, I'll provide.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
starfan : 30/08/02 04:41 PM : Reply received |
- Ok, Linux uses spaces to separate filenames. Try doing this:
cd My*MP3*
if you have a directory(s) in the same directory that start with "My "
If you don't, just do
cd My*
You can try mounting the partitions as root and then accessing them
You can also edit your /etc/fstab file and adding the word user to the
appropriate lines. See
for more info.
Once you get access to the partition, then moving the files should be just
like using Windows.
If this answers your question, please be sure to close the incident and rate
the expert(s) that helped you. Thanks.
SteveThomason : 30/08/02 05:08 PM : More info provided |
- lingod, yes please do provide additional info on how to let users access the files. I did the "MY MP3 Files" and got in. I'm copying them to a linux directory using "cp *" and I am getting the message "cp omitting directory..." for the subdirectories in 'My MP3 Files." How do I get the contents of each windows subdirectory to copy?
SteveThomason : 30/08/02 05:56 PM : More info provided |
- I unmounted the windows partition, and tried to remount it using the "umask=0" command to allow user access, and now I get a help screen on the terminal instead of the command being executed. I'm using a zero in the = field and not a capital "o". What am I doing wrong now?
starfan : 30/08/02 07:28 PM : Reply received |
- use
cp -R *
to copy the entire contents and every subdirectory under it recusivly. The
man page has more info on copying files
man cp
use spacebar to go down a page, b to up a page and q to quit.
For the mounting command, please list what you typed exactly so we can
determine the cause of the problem it is likely just a syntax problem
SteveThomason : 30/08/02 09:19 PM : Incident closed |