Apps (Opera) that stop working.
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SteamCat : 29/08/02 06:14 PM : Incident created |
- I run Mandrake 8.2, KDE 2
Opera has stopped working for no apparent reason. Something that appeared to happen around the same time is the Software Manager now loads very slow. (several minutes)
A sequence of events:
1. Opera worked great from the day I installed it. Several weeks later this problem seemed to appear suddenly. Some information that might be helpful follows. Items 2-4 occured between the last time I ran Opera succesfully and the appearance of the problem.
2. I attempted to add a "shortcut" by right clicking on the desktop and using the "Create New > Link to Application" . (I discovered later that initially I was attemping to link to the wrong file. I was attempting to link to the Opera "shell" file rather than the executable.)
3. I dragged the new link to the KDE taskbar.
4. Clicking on the newly formed link didn't load Opera. The hour glass appeared to show that it was working on somthing. But, Opera never loaded.
5. I deleted those and made a new icon in the taskbar by right clicking on it and using "Add > Non KDE Application"
6. Again, Opera did not work.
7. Deleting the .opera folder from my Home directory had no effect on the problem.
8. Attemping to run Opera from the shell fails but it offers up this bit of evidence:
libpng warning: Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-1.2.1
libpng warning: Application is running with png.c from libpng-1.0.12
libpng error: Incompatible libpng version in application and library
/usr/bin/opera: line 72: 8659 Aborted $OPERA "$@"
This problem only affects Opera in my account. In all other accounts on this computer Opera runs fine. Including if I make a new account.
I have no idea what, if any of this is actually related to the problem. I just wanted to post it in case it is.
Linegod_7611 : 29/08/02 06:29 PM : Reply received |
- Somewhere along the way you upgraded your libpng, from the old 2 version to the
new 3 version.
Best course of action would be to upgrade to the latest Opera, as I believe it uses
the new libpng.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
SteamCat : 31/08/02 05:21 AM : More info provided |
- Hmmm... not sure when or how I managed to upgrade that. lol
But, I am already running Opera 6.03. I am running the QT shared version and attempted to tinker with the package. Such as installing the QT static version. But, the problem (that appeared aroudndthe same time as the Opera problem) with the Software Manager hindered that. (SM loads VERY slow and attepmting to install a package makes it hang, or move so slow that i've given up and killed it.)
I tried to work with the packages at the command line but nothing eliminated the Opera loading problem.
Linegod_7611 : 31/08/02 07:50 AM : Reply received |
- My apologies, I read it the other way around. It looks like you have the old libpng
(libpng-1.0.12), and Opera requires a newer one (libpng-1.2.1).
Guess I should take a little more time :)
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
SteamCat : 31/08/02 08:07 PM : More info provided |
- Hehe, that's ok. :) Looking at the spelling in my last reply I see that I should have done a proof read when I am that tired while writing a post. :)
Ok, I checked my libpng package. This is what I currently have installed:
So, I had Opera 6.03 running with that version of libpng.
I could just create a new profile as this problem seems to only affect my account. But, then I would have to move everything else in my /home, set up all my mail and address book again and so on. But, more importantly; dodging the problem wouldn't provide much of a learning experience. :)
If I am missing something in what you have suggested so far please do not hesitate to point it out to me. I am completely new in the *nix world so don't assume that I know or have done anything that might seem obvious to you. :)
Thanks for your help!
Linegod_7611 : 09/09/02 07:47 AM : Reply received |
- I haven't been able to find anything else that may be causing the problem. The last
thing you could try is checking your PATH statement in .bashrc, and make sure it
matches up with a working users.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
SteamCat : 13/09/02 02:27 AM : More info provided |
- Ok, this is the contents of my .bashrc:
Not sure I am seeing anything useful in there.
Thanks, i'll keep working with these suggestions and see what I can learn.
cat .bashrc
# .bashrc
# User specific aliases and functions
# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
SteamCat : 14/09/02 08:26 AM : Incident closed |
- Due to a few other anomalies, and my lack of available time to learn about them and how to dorrect them, I simply decided to reinstall the root partition of Mandrake. I'm sure the solution was right in front of my face but I am not familiar with the Linux world yet and I can't devote time to learning it when there are things that I need to get done, but can't because of some quirks that I don't have the knowledge or experience to solve at this time.
So, I never did find and correct the cause of the problem. But, that is not due to lack of effort from Linegod. This end was forced simply because at this point in time I had to follow the path of least resistance.
I'm sure i'll be back here again soon bacause I screwed something else up. :)
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