Mandriva Expert
The place where your Mandriva Linux system finds support

Are all of you people programmers?

+/- details
User gooseme
Incident Number 29814
Date 2002/08/21 03:44
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

Products owned
Community Support question - to convert into a paid question, click here

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
gooseme : 21/08/02 03:44 AM : Incident created
-   Hi

I was just wondering...are you people the ones who are working on the next Mandrake Linux distro?. Or are you volunteers who just enjoy helping other people with Linux-related issues (or both)?. I've been using Mandrake Linux ever since v8.0 came out. I always bought the boxed version and just recently downloaded the ISO's. Anyway, I've always wondered about the people who answer questions on this board. Another long does it usually take for finished (stable) releases of Mandrake Linux to come out?. I currently have beta 2# and it is the best one yet (even better than Red Hat which I've also tried). I'm very excited for the stable version to come out. Well, I guess that's it.

- Cheers

Linegod_7611 : 21/08/02 04:49 AM : Reply received
-   The majority of the people here are volunteers (I don't believe there are any of the
actual developers around here anymore).

A beta to release cycle is about 6-8 weeks. You can probably expect the final
release of Mandrake 9.0 around the 13th of September, with it hitting the stores a
month or so after that.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

tzenko_1451 : 21/08/02 05:09 AM : Reply received
-   most of us are just users like you. actually if you want (I'm sure you already
have enough knowledge - I keep an eye on your questions) you can help too. All
that you have to click on "give Support"
And I think that people that are mandrake employees have no rights to use
their own names and earn points. Theyr job are Boxed questions only.
About releases - all that I know - it depends, teh last release have to be
stable, included enogh new features (new KDE, gnome,... ) . I remember one
time when Mandrake waits for a stable KDE. And it depends when other (esp. RH
) planing their releases

EW : 21/08/02 06:54 AM : More info requested
-   I'm just a user who wants to help and get a feel of what customer support is

gooseme : 23/08/02 08:53 PM : Incident closed

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