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how do i erase linux partition

+/- details
User jayroy49
Incident Number 29786
Date 2002/08/20 22:24
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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jayroy49 : 20/08/02 10:24 PM : Incident created
-   hi i have 2 hardisks a new 60 gig drive and a very old 3.2 gig drive
since i am new to linux and this was my first time installing i put it on the old one.
but when it finished linux ran extremely slow so i want to remove it and put it on the new one.
i made a linux partition in the setup and left 500 megs for windows.
when i used the format and fdisk utilities on my windows startup disk it just kept saying there was only one 50meg fat32 partition could you tell me how to remove this partioin and linux and the boot loader so the disk is one big fat 32 again

Linegod_7611 : 20/08/02 11:44 PM : Reply received
-   If you can still start Linux in GUI mode, you can open up a console and
run 'diskdrake' which will let you delete any/all partitions. Then boot
with a DOS boot disk and type 'fdisk /mbr' to delete the boot loader (LILO).

If you can't get into Linux, you can boot from the Mandrake disk, press F1 at
the the splash screen and then type 'rescue'. At the console that comes up,
you can type 'fdisk /dev/hdx' (where hdx is your harddrive), and use fdisk to
delete the partitions (type ? for help in fdisk).

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please rememeber to close this

jayroy49 : 22/08/02 10:59 AM : Incident closed
-   info was exactly right nice one mate

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