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New revs on apps

+/- details
User jwycoff
Incident Number 29667
Date 2002/08/19 16:29
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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jwycoff : 19/08/02 04:29 PM : Incident created
-   Looking for the optimum (and simplest) way to update apps. I started using netscape6 for it's multiple mailboxes. But it DRAGS my pc WAY DOWN. Then I started using GAIM to "IM".
I wanted to get the cute little icon added, but think I need to move to a new rev. I've spent 2 hours trying to upgrade it. Is there a good process to find "packages"
that are "rpm ready"? Current GAIM is 0.43, I dloaded a 0.59 version, gunzipped, un tarred. The
README has all kinds of Make install, you need GTK something or other, etc,etc,etc.. I used to do this
when I worked as an admin. Just looking for a quicker way....


Linegod_7611 : 19/08/02 09:20 PM : Reply received
-   If it is just single apps you are looking for, you can check , making sure to get the Mandrake RPM. You can also look
at adding a 'Cooker' source to your Software Manager (from the console it
is 'rpmdrake'). Cooker is the 'beta' area of Mandrake, but usually has the
most up-to-date versions of applications.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

jwycoff : 26/08/02 05:58 PM : More info provided
-   Very Cool. Thx! Still looking for the "Mandrake for Dummies" book. There were three files of GAIM .59 for Mandrake. I dloaded the src.rpm. It started to install, but blew up. Think I'm having space problems on disk. Have another incident opened.

Linegod_7611 : 28/08/02 03:11 PM : Reply received
-   You don't want the 'src' (source) rpm, you want the one with 'mdk.i586.rpm'

jwycoff : 30/08/02 05:11 PM : Incident closed

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