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Mandrake 8.1 and a SMC Barricade Router

+/- details
User Ashyukun
Incident Number 2950
Date 2001/11/13 14:06
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Ashyukun : 13/11/01 02:06 PM : Incident created
-   After several weeks of fighting to find out what was wrong with my network card, I appear to have found out that the network card was working just fine- but that for some reason, the system does not want to get the DHCP information from my SMC Barricade router. I have temporarily gotten the networking functioning by telling the netconf to use the IP address that the router's DHCP had assigned to the computer when running in Windows, but in order to make sure that it functions properly when other computers are running on it I need to have the DHCP working. Have there been any other problems with the DHCP in 8.1? I tried 'downgrading' to 8.0, but it couldn't set up my sis900 NIC. dhcpcd is installed, but doesn't even give me any feedback when I run it with the -d flag to see what it is trying to do. Thanks!

Linegod_7611 : 13/11/01 02:18 PM : Reply received
-   What is the output of '/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd status' and
'/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd restart'?

Ashyukun : 14/11/01 12:44 AM : More info provided
-   I don't seem to have dhcpd installed, though dhcpcd is...

Ashyukun : 04/12/01 08:18 PM : Incident closed
-   While there was an attempt to help me out with this, beyond the initial reply I didn't hear anything more. I did finally solve the problem after a whole lot of searching around, and tried (successfully) to use pump for DHCP resolution.

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