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Help with install please

+/- details
User Tyrekinyl
Incident Number 29380
Date 2002/08/15 21:52
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Tyrekinyl : 15/08/02 09:52 PM : Incident created
-   Hey, I just built a new computer a couple days ago, and I decided to use linux! So I got everything put together, went to my friends house, downloaded and burnt Mandrake to a cd, brought it home, popped it in and it started up! I'm at the first 'hit f1 for options/hit enter to install or upgrade' screen, so I'm thinking all is good. I hit enter, the blue bar at the bottom starts filling up. It gets to about 90% completed and then it crashes, and sends me to a screen with a whole lot of errors, among them being:

"Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0006e000"

and then, at the bottom of the page

<0>Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

I also tried writing the cdrom.img to a floppy disk, and it comes up with the same errors. So either the image is corrupted or something else is wrong. Can anyone help?

Tyrekinyl : 15/08/02 10:34 PM : More info provided
-   Edit: I tried the Mandrake cd on another computer and the setup ran just fine, so I'm guessing its a problem in the BIOS... any help would be great

Linegod_7611 : 16/08/02 12:13 AM : Reply received
-   I'd put good money on it being a RAM problem, either via BIOS, or bad RAM
itself. Try swapping out the RAM if possible, or changing the settings in
the BIOS.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Tyrekinyl : 02/09/02 07:29 PM : Incident closed

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