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ssh server problem

+/- details
User bmw540i
Incident Number 2929
Date 2001/11/13 09:56
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Secure Shell (SSH)

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
bmw540i : 13/11/01 09:56 AM : Incident created
-   I can't seem to connect to my ssh server. The only error message i get (when running ssh from command line) is ssh_exchange_identification: session closed by host. Every other service is working fine, there are no known complications.


Linegod_7611 : 13/11/01 10:46 AM : Reply received
-   What is the output of '/etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd restart' and what security level
are you running? - 'drakesec'

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

yroagoex : 13/11/01 06:15 PM : Reply received
-   take care of tcpwrapper
files : /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny

bmw540i : 14/11/01 10:39 AM : More info provided
-   My security level is set to high. and with that arguement that linegod sent in the return is "extra arguement restart" i'm assuming this is because its the configuration file that i'm trying to run. As for the tcpwrapper suggestion i don't seem to follow on your thinking. How am i supposed to know what machine i'm going to logon from in the future?

yroagoex : 14/11/01 11:16 AM : Reply received
-   you only have to put
in /etc/hosts.allow
if your have for high security
in /etc/hosts.deny

if you use a firewall on the machine be sure that port 22 is allowed
iptables -L
to see actual rules

last tips
if you try to connect to an other machine than the server and if you have
recently change the server
on client ssh search server key in ~/.ssk/known_hosts
with change of sshd on the server keys changed and ssh refuse connection to
this bad connection, protection against "man in the middle" attack.
In this case and only in this case edit ~/.ssk/known_hosts
and dellete the line concerning your server.

bmw540i : 14/11/01 11:31 PM : Incident closed

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