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+/- details
User Omnigeek
Incident Number 28881
Date 2002/08/09 16:44
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 BETA - Bug report
Architecture x86_32
Scope XFree 86

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Omnigeek : 09/08/02 04:44 PM : Incident created
-   This appears to be the ONLY forum available to me to submit bug reports on Mandrake 9.0 beta 2. Based on my prior posting, I doubt anyone's listening.

If anyone IS there, I am experiencing several notable problems installing the 9.0 beta on an Intel D845GLAD motherboard (integrated video, sound, LAN). Although the install thinks it supports all the hardware, the XFree86 server (either available XF86 version) won't run (complains about no /dev/fb0 at server startup), the sound system won't run (the audio driver module won't insmod), and there's a minor problem with the multihead-XF86 configuration dialog during install.

I will GLADLY post complete debugging info on these issued -- as soon as someone confirms that I'm not just talking to myself. I want to help, but y'all aren't making it easy to do so.

-- Steve Hersey

Linegod_7611 : 09/08/02 08:01 PM : Reply received
-   Although I can't help with your problem, I would recommend that you read 'How to
report Bugs' at , for two other
options for reporting bugs.

I would recommend joining the Cooker mailing list.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Omnigeek : 09/08/02 09:14 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks. I had already checked that URL out, that's how I got here. The Bugzilla option is not an optiopn, as Bugzilla won't let me post bugs from my login -- it refers me to MandrakeExpert. The mailing list is a possibility, but Mandrake recommend that option for those with more time to commit... Oh, well, I may have to do that anyeay. Mandrake CLAIM that "real" bugs posted here will get forwarded to the development team. I have no idea how that's supposed to happen; maybe they want me to use a paid incident for beta bug reporting? (fat chance of THAT happening!) Have Mandrake told you anything of how they expect the beta bug-reporting process to function?

Thanks, Steve

Linegod_7611 : 10/08/02 10:00 PM : Reply received
-   No. But I have made the assumption that they want to weed out the real bugs
from the basic user questions, and that's why they direct everyone to
MandrakeExpert. I personally recommend submitting them through the Cooker
mailing list, as that is where the developers are hanging out. Submitting the bugs
here, to me, seems like a waste of effort, since I would have to post it to Cooker or
BugZilla, and would not be able to answer any of their questions. I don't really feel
like dedicating that much time to attempt to resolve a problem when it could be
resolved quicker by having the person post the problem themselves.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Omnigeek : 12/08/02 02:31 AM : More info provided
-   Yup. I agree about it seeming a waste of time to post beta bugs here rather than Cooker or Bugzilla. Speaking of which, I finally managed to get my Bugzilla account upgraded so I can post bugs with it, and I've posted all of the things I found. I've even gotten a request for follow-up info on one. It's great when things finally work.

Best Regards, Steve Hersey

Omnigeek : 12/08/02 02:32 AM : Incident closed

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