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what does spawning mean

+/- details
User jjim
Incident Number 28581
Date 2002/08/06 01:06
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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jjim : 06/08/02 01:06 AM : Incident created
-   when trying to boot into 400PenII 400mg ram, error say respawning too fast, wait five minutes...then it does it again and again...never goes into boot...tried to use cd to reinstall it says fatal error reboot, then I am back to where I was...please help....this is a dual boot with win2k on a separate hd....linux is on a separate hd....I have no problem wiping out linux and doing a fresh install, I just dont seem to get there, any suggestions...please note I must keep the win2k because kids need it for school...(they only teach microcrap there)....thanks...jjim

Linegod_7611 : 06/08/02 04:05 AM : Reply received
-   'Spawing' means launching a thread (or subprogram) off of the main program.

In this case, your X server (the system that controls the GUI) is attempting to 'spawn',
but keeps running into problems.

What you need to do is reconfigure your X. When it comes to the 'wait 5 minutes', log
into the console as root, and type 'init 3' to disable X (so it doesn't restart in 5
minutes). You then want to run 'XFdrake' (case sensitive) to reconfigure your X.
When you are done, type 'init 5' to re-enable X.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

jjim : 06/08/02 05:24 AM : Incident closed
-   the help worked great, I guess I wish I knew what caused it, to make sure it does not happen again.......jjim

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