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change ls command colors

+/- details
User astar
Incident Number 28491
Date 2002/08/04 23:03
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope XFree 86

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
astar : 04/08/02 11:03 PM : Incident created
-   mandrake center -> system -> terminal -> ls

Consider that I am somewhat color blind and spend a lot of time in the terminal mode, and when I use ls, the colors of the directories come out a deep blue that does not show well to me on my monitor. Thus I wish to select other colors for ls displays. Please advise.

Linegod_7611 : 05/08/02 09:40 AM : Reply received
-   Copy '/etc/DIR_COLORS' to your home directory as '.dir_colors' and then edit the
colours as need be. Use for the colour codes.
You may have to log in an out of the console to see changes.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

MandrakeSoft : 05/08/02 02:06 PM : Reply received
-   Hello,

Read the man page, and check out the file /etc/DIR_COLORS. You can configure the colors any way you like, or shut them off entirely. Also, you can copy /etc/DIR_COLORS into your home directory as '.dir_colors' to override the global defaults on a user by user basis.

Best regards,

The technical support team.

astar : 05/08/02 04:26 PM : Incident closed

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