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How do I start Postgre

+/- details
User acanton
Incident Number 28427
Date 2002/08/03 23:22
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Databases

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acanton : 03/08/02 11:22 PM : Incident created
-   Mandrake installed Postgre.... or part of it it seems. The psql program is installed. However I can't find any script to start the Postgre server. There is no initdb or postmaster on the machine. What do i do to start the Postgre server?


Linegod_7611 : 03/08/02 11:53 PM : Reply received
-   '/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start' or you can set it to start at boot by running

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

acanton : 04/08/02 12:12 AM : More info provided
-   I should have stated earlier that I did a lot of reading on Postge and looked int /etc for the postgresql script. I used the Gnome serach tool and there is no "postgre" on the entire machine. But psql is loaded and when I try to run it I get:

[al@localhost al]$ psql
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Which makes sense since the server is not running. Did Mandrake only load the client side? How would I get the server stuff? Maybe re-install postgre? Or would that make things worse??? Maybe I should uninstall (how?) and install with the software manager?


tensor : 04/08/02 12:37 AM : Reply received
-   psql is normally in postgresql rpm - this rpm is installed ? (rpm -q
postgresql gives you a 'not installed' response).
If the rpm appears installed, check it (rpm -V postgresql) and try to remove
it (via rpm or rpmdrake), and re-install

tensor : 04/08/02 12:38 AM : Reply received
-   psql is normally in postgresql rpm - this rpm is installed ? (rpm -q
postgresql gives you a 'not installed' response).
If the rpm appears installed, check it (rpm -V postgresql) and try to remove
it (via rpm or rpmdrake), and re-install

acanton : 04/08/02 01:27 AM : More info provided
-   I'm not sure I understand. Yes, the rpm is installed:

[al@localhost al]$ rpm -q postgresql

Now you want me to un-install it and re-install?

The problem is not with psql, but that the server is not running. From what I read, there is supposed to be a postgresql-server....rpm to install, but I looked in Software Manager and don't see it. There is a postgresql-devlop but nothing with "server".

So the question is whether Mandrake includes server with the postgresql-7.2-12.mdk package. If you look in the "files" section on Software Manager, you don't see anything that resembles a server or any scripts to start one. My guess is that my PowerPack 8.2 box did not include the postgresql-server package and that un-installing postgresql and re-installing will not help.

Perhaps I should un-install what I have, download an rpm (if there is one for Mandarke) from and re-install?

Or maybe I'm wrong here?


tensor : 04/08/02 02:24 AM : Reply received
-   Sorry, I have misunderstanded your problem. Yes, AFAIK there must be a
postgresql-server package. Have you tried 'urpmi postgresql-server' ?
If it doesn't work, you can search manually all installation cds for the rpm
If you cannot find the package, you can download it from a mirror (I've
checked Usa Oregon ...)

acanton : 04/08/02 04:07 AM : More info provided
-   Instead of seaching the CDs I just downloaded the file from the FTP site you listed. Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it. I am closing the incident.


acanton : 04/08/02 04:10 AM : Incident closed

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