GPL'ing my software (question)
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gooseme : 03/08/02 01:09 PM : Incident created |
- Hi
I own the copyright to a large, commercial-quality perl/SSI script similar the mySQL software database used by and It contains an extensive array of features too numerous to list and was going to retail for around $499.00 per copy. I've since decided that I would like to release it under the GNU/GPL license (for various reasons) with the hope that others in the Linux community would download it, add features, make corrections, improvements, etc. However, since I've never released anything under the GNU/GPL I have no idea how this is supposed to work. I would hope (and expect) that anyone who added improvements or corrected bugs would always send a copy back to me since I would be the maintainer but I am also concerned that because of "human nature" there would also be people out there who would simply make a few aesthetic changes and then try to profit from the script by selling it (which I forbid except for distribution costs). How exactly is this done and what is the best way to protect myself and insure that as the maintainer, I can insure that whoever creates updated versions of the script will always send a copy back to me so I can post it?
Linegod_7611 : 03/08/02 07:33 PM : Reply received |
- The GPL is not the license that you are looking for then. There is nothin in the GPL
that prevents people from selling GPL'd software, just that if they do, they have to
release the source. You may want to check out the various different licenses at and
You can also 'dual license' you software. GPL for non-commercial use, and another
for commercial distribution. The folks at and may be of
more help in the specifics of licensing.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.
gooseme : 07/08/02 02:13 AM : Incident closed |
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