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Problems connecting to Internet

+/- details
User cnewby2
Incident Number 27980
Date 2002/07/28 07:48
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
cnewby2 : 28/07/02 07:48 AM : Incident created
-   I finally got my winmodem working under linux, but now when I dial into my ISP, it dosn't accept my username. I have tryed it a few diffrent times with diffrent variations of the name (some caps, etc...) but it never accepts it. I know for sure that the user name and password are both correct, but it still never takes my name for some reason, yet under windows it has no problems connecting. If I watch the kppp log, it shows error 19 (bad username or password) and only shows above that, that it only gets the name sent out and recieves a massage that it failed to identify it, and bad login. I am using MSN right now for dial-up access, could that have something to do with it? I use the ppp dialup program that came with the software under the K enviroment.

[email protected] : 28/07/02 08:13 AM : Reply received
-   When dialing MSN with a standard PPP client, your username myst be provided
as "MSN/username" rather than just the "username".

If this resolves your issue, please be sure to close this incident and to
rate the volunteer Expert who assisted you.


cnewby2 : 28/07/02 08:35 AM : More info provided
-   YES, thank you. This is the first incident that someone has been able to fix my problem the first reply. I first had a problem with my modem, then I couldn't get online once I got it working, now it all works, thank you again.

cnewby2 : 28/07/02 08:36 AM : Incident closed

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