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Enable directory listing in apache.

+/- details
User NinjaNate
Incident Number 27177
Date 2002/07/17 16:23
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Web Server

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NinjaNate : 17/07/02 04:23 PM : Incident created
-   I want to enable directory listing in apache. By default it installs itself and gives your a forbidden error if you don't have an index.html page in it. I want to have a directory where people can click on what they want and download the file through a browser. I beleive this can be done through the httpd.conf file but i was unable to find it. Any ideas?

Thank you

tivolle : 17/07/02 06:08 PM : Reply received
-   Yes the option is to be set in your httpd.conf.

All options (there's a lot...) for listing available are listed and explained here (with an httpd.conf in example):

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tivolle : 17/07/02 10:07 PM : Reply received
-   Oops... It is in /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf, you have to un comment like that :
# Also, for security, we disable indexes globally //No more
<Directory />
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None


NinjaNate : 18/07/02 01:27 AM : More info provided
-   I have enabled the following lines in the /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd file.

<Directory />
Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

I rebooted because i'm in standalone and i'm still getting the forbidden error when i try to go to the directory through a browser. I have checked permissions and the group and owner is apache. It chmoded to 0755.


[email protected] : 19/07/02 12:28 AM : Reply received
-   Actually "-Indexes" turns them off, so remove that hyphen character and try again.

NinjaNate : 19/07/02 09:09 AM : More info provided
-   I have removed the tac character (-indexes) on the options line and rebooted. I am still getting the forbidden error when trying to access the directory through a browser.

<Directory />
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Thank you for helping me.

tensor : 20/07/02 09:17 AM : Reply received
-   Have you checked Apache permissions on that dir ? Can you see a specific html
page from the dir (say, http://xxxx/your_dir/xxx.html ?).
If not, then you need to check the various <Directory xxxx> directives on
commonhttpd.conf - many are disabled on default or available just from localhost.
BTW, you don't need to reboot to restart apache - you can control with MDK
control center or /etc/init.d/httpd

tensor : 20/07/02 09:41 AM : Reply received
-   Have you checked Apache permissions on that dir ? Can you see a specific html
page from the dir (say, http://xxxx/your_dir/xxx.html ?).
If not, then you need to check the various <Directory xxxx> directives on
commonhttpd.conf - many are disabled on default or available just from localhost.
BTW, you don't need to reboot to restart apache - you can control with MDK
control center or /etc/init.d/httpd

NinjaNate : 20/07/02 03:47 PM : More info provided
-   Tensor,
Yes I have checked permissions and the owner and group is currently apache. Chmoded it to 755. I have also thrown an index.html page into the directory and the pages comes up with no problem. I'm thinking this is a new security feature with apache but haven't had any luck finding out out how to re-enable it at website.


[email protected] : 21/07/02 05:21 AM : Reply received
-   You should look for the entry for the specific directory for your document
root (by default /var/www/html). The line you changed is for the server's
global settings, but it might be overridden elsewhere in your configuration.

There is probably a set of directives
<Directory /var/www/html>
in which you can enable Indexes.

[email protected] : 22/07/02 10:29 PM : Reply received
-   Have you had any luck with this?

If this issue is resolved, please be sure to close the incident and to rate
the volunteer Expert who assisted you.


[email protected] : 27/07/02 02:46 AM : More info requested
-   As your question has been answered, please be sure to close the incident and
to rate the volunteer Expert who assisted you.


NinjaNate : 30/07/02 09:42 AM : Incident closed

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