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Adding RPMFind to RPMDrake

+/- details
User azound
Incident Number 26916
Date 2002/07/14 04:11
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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azound : 14/07/02 04:11 AM : Incident created
-   I have been trying to upgrade to KDE3 for some time now, but I keep getting dependency errors and have to go to rpmfind to get all the rpms that I need. This is taking quite a while and each package that I download from rpm has its own dependencies, so it gets very redundant. I think rpmDrake is a great program, and I would like to add the rpmfind repository to it so that rpmdrake will be able to find any rpm it needs even if it isn't located on one of my installation cds. Is there any way to do this? I would assume so, but I am not certain how.

Linegod_7611 : 14/07/02 06:26 AM : Reply received
-   You can't add RPMFind, as you can only add rpm repositories that have created a
hdlist (which rpmfind hasn't).

Your best bet is to ensure that you have added an official mirror, or a cooker mirror
to your RPMdrake, and ensure that it is updated.
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

azound : 14/07/02 08:28 AM : Incident closed
-   I found the response to my question to be quite helpful, and Linegod even went beyond answering my question and provided advice as well.

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