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How do I remove the boot-up splash screen?

+/- details
User cnewby2
Incident Number 26841
Date 2002/07/13 08:14
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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cnewby2 : 13/07/02 08:14 AM : Incident created
-   I am having problems getting the bootup splash screen off my computer. I'm really not sure where or which file I need to change to get rid of bit, but the couple of things I have tried havn't worked. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Thank You.

EW : 13/07/02 08:20 AM : More info requested
-   Is it the Lilo screen or is it the X login screen, or any other?

cnewby2 : 13/07/02 07:51 PM : More info provided
-   The screen that comes up and askes you yo press "I" for interactive startup. I guess it is the lilo screen, but I'm really not sure. It is not the login screen I'm sure. When I start my computer it says Lilo is loading or somthing like that and then it goes to the splash screen and shows a couple of things loading, but not the full text and then, if I have the text login instead of starting X upon bootup, the screen disapears after everything has loaded and asks for my login and password, or if I start X upon booting, the splash screen turns off and then it starts the X login screen. I've tryed starting with Lilo without graphics ( I changed that in Mandrake config,) but the startup screen still came up. It is a box with the Mandrake logo on it and inside another frame it shows the text.

EW : 13/07/02 08:13 PM : More info requested
-   The screen that asks you to press "I" for interactive startup - it is part of
the kernel boot up and is hard programmed into the kernel. So I'm thinking
that this will require a kernel recompile. However, this screen provides very
valuable information that you would want to see. If for example, a DSL
connection fails to connect, you would want that information and the reason
for that.

cnewby2 : 13/07/02 08:19 PM : More info provided
-   Is there any way to just have the same kind of information as that screen provides, just with out the graphics? The older version of Linux I had, I think it was Mandrake 7.1, just booted up normal, without graphics, and it still displayed all the information. Is it just somthing that I will have to get used to because I have no knowlage of changing the kernel, and I really don't want to tinker around with out and mess it up.

EW : 13/07/02 09:03 PM : More info requested
-   Normally, /etc/sysconfig would allow you to do that. However Linux is a
little different from other Unix OS. For Mdk8.2, you can check /etc/profile
or you can run linuxconf to see if it allows you to change it.

cnewby2 : 15/07/02 08:12 AM : More info provided
-   I have changed alot of files saying that if you don't want the bootup splash to change a few things and I have with no success. It is a simple jpeg file that is in the /etc/bootsplash/themes/Mandrake directory. I have looked at the inint.d and a couple of other init files, but I don't want to mess them up by changing them. If you or anyone else could tell me what to change then it would really help. I wonder if I deleted the themes folder where the image is if it would just give me an error that it couldn't find it and go into a normal boot. I have changed the file that said if I want verbose th put it in, but I don't remember the file name. I have to connect to the internet throught Windows because I havn't got my modem working yet.

EW : 15/07/02 11:56 AM : More info requested
-   Do you use lilo or grub. If you use lilo, please read on.

First, make a backup copy of /etc/lilo.conf. Second, make a floppy boot disk
and make sure the floppy boot disk really boots Linux. Then you can proceed
to change the /etc/lilo.conf file. You need to change /etc/lilo.conf on the
two lines that read:

Add a # character at the beginning of the lines so that they become:
# message=/boot/message
# menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw

Then, you need to run the 'lilo' command to refresh your boot configuration.
That should do it. If and only if you find this answer helpful, then please
close this incident. Thank you very much for closing. Till next question.
Happy Linuxing!

cnewby2 : 17/07/02 08:12 AM : More info provided
-   I did that to lilo, but it didn't fix the problem. The configuration file that said to change to get rid of the bootsplash screen was /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash, I changed everything it said to change to remove the bootsplash, but with no success. I have changed a couple of other files also, supposidly to also change the way it boots up, but nothing has worked. I looked at the readme file for bootsplash, and it told me to remove it to change the /etc/sysconfig/bootsplash file, and I have done that, but it is still there. Is there something I am forgeting or overlooking?

EW : 17/07/02 04:16 PM : More info requested
-   Hmm... Looks like you upgraded from Mdk 8.1 'cus I recall that I have nothing
in /etc/sysconfig/ directory. Then I'm not quite sure how to answer your
question. I'll check that directory when I get to my machine later today.

cnewby2 : 18/07/02 04:16 AM : More info provided
-   I am running 8.2 right now. I would really appreciate it if you could help me with this frustrating problem. But if not, thanks for your help and if you can't think of anything else, let me know and I will close this incident. Again, thanks alot for all your help.

EW : 18/07/02 04:37 AM : More info requested
-   Was it an upgrade or was it an install from scratch?

EW : 18/07/02 04:55 AM : More info requested
-   I took a look at /etc/sysconfig/ and bootsplash file and scripts. I found
that I don't quite understand the functional purpose of this
bootsplash/initrd. Therefore, please repost this question as a new incident --
to make it visible as a new support request. Thank you.

cnewby2 : 19/07/02 02:19 AM : Incident closed

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