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kudzu segmentation fault

+/- details
User loutownsny
Incident Number 26823
Date 2002/07/13 02:34
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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loutownsny : 13/07/02 02:34 AM : Incident created
-   Mandrake 8.2-kernel 2.4.18.-6. Sound card is a SBLive!
My soundcard was working and now doesn't seem to be. At the same time I began getting an error during boot concerning a Segmentation fault in S05kudzu at line 89. The soundcard works perfectly under Windows. In Mandrake Control Center the sound card is shown correctly but when I launch the configuration tool I do not hear any sounds. What should my next steps be to re-enable the card?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Lou Townsend

tivolle : 13/07/02 03:56 AM : More info requested
-   Is it an ISA card? Did you add any hardware since the card is not working?

loutownsny : 13/07/02 05:34 AM : More info provided
-   The SB card is a pci card and it was working fine in linux until about a week ago. I didn't add or change any hardware but when the card was working in linux I did not get a Segmentation Fault failure when kudzu ran at boot.

tzenko_8556 : 13/07/02 08:37 AM : Reply received
-   just a proposal. Can you check your audio mixer (aumix or kmix,..) It can be
mutted. On some systemsall channels are "0"...

loutownsny : 13/07/02 09:10 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks for the suggestion to check the mixer. As you guessed the volumes were all set at "0". Talk about egg on your face! Now if you have any suggestions on the other half of the question about the kudzu failure at boot or running it separately, I'd be very happy. Just when I was feeling good about learning a little about linux I overlook a very obvious answer. Must be why you call us newbies.
Thanks again for solving the sound card and here's hoping someone can get me started in the right direction on the kudzu error.
Lou Townsend

tzenko_8556 : 13/07/02 10:37 PM : Reply received
-   is it SO5kudzu or kudzu or S05kudzu (with zero)? And actually you dont need
kudzu in startup. I think you don't change every day your hardware ;-)) You
can stop this service...
Good Luck. And everybody is newbie. I too ...
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loutownsny : 14/07/02 02:13 AM : More info provided
-   Thank you for the comments on kudzu. The file that was producing the fault was S0kudzu (that is a zero). I'm going to stop kudzu service because I don't change hardware often. I'll have to run Xsane manually whenever I want to use my Epson USB scanner because kudzu won't detect it anymore but that's no problem. You've been a great help.
>>Lou Townsend

loutownsny : 14/07/02 02:14 AM : Incident closed

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