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+/- details
User cyrusearl
Incident Number 26803
Date 2002/07/12 20:44
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
cyrusearl : 12/07/02 08:44 PM : Incident created
-   When I was sharing my HD with another OS, The Linux install would choose partitions by default that were [ /boot and / ].
Now that I am using the entire drive for Linux, the default is[ /home, swap and / ] .
Am I to assume that the installation program will create a /boot partition without my configuring it to do so ?
Also, is there an optimum amount of space that I should choose for /home and(or) / ?
Is it necessary for me to have a /home partition at all ?

Linegod_7611 : 12/07/02 09:15 PM : Reply received
-   All directories that are not specifically mounted on their own partition are
created under '/'.

You _always_ want a seperate partition for /home. In a worse case scenario,
if your '/' partition or '/usr' partition became corrupt, you could reinstall
the entire system while leaving '/home' untouched.

On a 10G drive I would recommend:

/ 1G
/usr 5G
/swap = memory
/home = remainder of drive

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

tivolle : 12/07/02 09:22 PM : Reply received
-   Linegod is right for a workstation.

Another example for a smaller drive and notice VAR is also on its own partition because it is for a server web and MySQL.

SysFichier Tail. Util.Disp. Uti% Monté sur
/dev/hda1 240M 43M 185M 19% /
/dev/hdb7 1.7G 1.5G 152M 91% /home
/dev/hda6 1.3G 935M 286M 77% /usr
/dev/hda7 581M 177M 375M 32% /var

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

gluna67 : 12/07/02 09:23 PM : Reply received
-   well it depends, let me explain that having more that one partition either
under linux or windows makes your life easier in case you need to recover
your info from a hard disk failure. in my case i like to have more than one
partitions under linux, but the space it is up to you, it depends on what
you will store in those partitions, usually /home is for your linux users.
i have a server with 40 gb of hard disk with the following partitions; /swap
(a size double the amount of ram),/boot (70 mb), / (20 gig), /var (the rest
of space).
so saying that there is an optimum partitioning scheme under linux i believe
there is not, but it is adviseable to have more than one partition under
linux. and yes linux will create /boot if you tell it to install it

cyrusearl : 12/07/02 10:34 PM : More info provided

cyrusearl : 12/07/02 10:35 PM : Incident closed

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