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cant get linux to update

+/- details
User cooljdav
Incident Number 2658
Date 2001/11/11 06:51
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.0
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
cooljdav : 11/11/01 06:51 AM : Incident created
-   Hi, because linux cant detect my modem which is a HCF rockwell modem i cant get any updates or security patches online, but i did download them all in windows from an ftp site. My difficulty is that ive tried to get the software manager to point to the source on "file:/mnt/windows/windows/desktop/manUpdates", but its not finding any updates at all, i downloaded at least 50 packages, can you help cos i cant update linux at all, is there a way.

Linegod_7611 : 11/11/01 08:22 AM : Reply received
-   Use a command line to upgrade the packages. At the console:

# su
# cd /whereever/you/downloaded/the/rpms
# rpm -Uvh *rpm

This should upgrade all the RPMS that you downloaded.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

yroagoex : 11/11/01 08:25 AM : Reply received
-   you can use rhe command line
rpm -Fvh /mnt/windows/windows/desktop/manUpdate/*.rpm

rpm -Fvh upgrade packages, but only if an earlier version currently exists.
rpm -hUv install upgrade package

rpm -qa list all package

cooljdav : 12/11/01 04:34 PM : Incident closed

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