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Windows files access

+/- details
User sylvainb2000
Incident Number 26469
Date 2002/07/08 17:50
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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sylvainb2000 : 08/07/02 05:50 PM : Incident created
-   I just bought a Mandrake 8.2 box recently and I'm just starting to find my way around.

Now I would like to start doing something productive using Linux. But how do I access my files on my Windows partition? I have tons of graphics, music and other work there that I would like to be able to use to get started in Linux.

I found something about Samba in the User's Manual, but this is for accessing remote machines. I just need to access my files on the Windows partition that is on the same hard drive. This is probably a very dumb question for you guys, but I still haven't found the answer...

Linegod_7611 : 08/07/02 05:59 PM : Reply received
-   If your Windows installation was detected by Mandrake, you can access your
Windows files at '/mnt/windows'.

And no question is a 'dumb' question. We all began this journey at the same

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

gluna67 : 09/07/02 01:13 AM : Reply received
-   you can also mount your windows partition with mandrake control center, just
find mount points, click on the /mnt/windows tab and select mount then
select done and that is it.
And as linegod says we all begun the same way.
hope this helps too.
please remember to close this incident.

sylvainb2000 : 09/07/02 06:10 AM : Incident closed
-   This should definitely be in the user's manual. If it already is, then it should be more visible, because I couldn't see it.

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