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gooseme : 05/07/02 05:06 PM : Incident created |
- Hi everyone
My apologies for so many questions lately but I have spent nearly a month now trying to find a decent HTML editor for Linux. I need one that is truly WYSIWYG and where what you put on the front page is exactly what apears in the underlying code. This saves a lot of time so that the code does'nt need to all be written by hand. I used to use AOLPress for Windows but Windows is really starting to suck these days. I installed "Wine" hoping that I could still use it but I' not exactly sure how to use I just run the Wndows program or do I actually need to bring Wine up first and does Wine have a GUI front-end or is it a command-line sort of thing?. Anyway, I've tried almost every HTML editor for Linux out there. Some are good in some ways and not so good in others. I recently ran into one Called WebSphere Home Page Builder (from IBM) it's an i386 RPM and it installed just fine but when I try to tun it, nothing happens even though I've done everythjing correctly and tried to run it a number of different ways. Can someone please throw me a life-raft on this one?:)
Linux-phased : 05/07/02 05:48 PM : Reply received |
- Well there are not really WYSIWIG's out there, a free one is the one that
comes with Mozilla --> Composer
A good one comes from IBM but that one costs, but has a 60 day trial:
I'm not sure if this Applications is provided on one of the Pro or Powerpack
Mandrake Edition, but I will know soon:-)
Linegod_7611 : 05/07/02 05:48 PM : Reply received |
- You could use the Web Page Composer that comes with 'Mozilla'.
To easiest way to use wine is to use the command line. Change to the directory
that has the program you want to run, and type:
# wine programname.exe
Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.
gooseme : 05/07/02 07:01 PM : More info provided |
- Hi
Ok, I typed the following and it told me the file was not found. I am using WinME (installed on one HD) and Linux Mandrake 8.2 (installed on a second HD). Any suggestions?... Thank's again:)
[gooser@localhost gooser]$ cd /mnt/win_c2/Program Files/Jasc Software Inc/Paint Shop Pro 7
[gooser@localhost Program]$ cd /mnt/win_c2/Program Files/Jasc Software Inc/Paint Shop Pro 7/
[gooser@localhost Program]$ wine psp.exe
/usr/bin/wine.bin: cannot find 'psp.exe'
[gooser@localhost Program]$
gooseme : 05/07/02 07:04 PM : More info provided |
- Hi again
I was just wondering if there was a GUI front-end to wine in an RPM format floating around somewhere. I tried to get my hands on "Gwine" and "TKwine" but it just say's "the page does'nt exist" and I could'nt find this file on either. I'd be happy with any Wine front-end I could get.
Linegod_7611 : 05/07/02 07:09 PM : Reply received |
- Give the output of:
# cd /mnt/win_c2/Program Files/Jasc Software Inc/Paint Shop Pro 7/
# ls -la
The frontends to wine are for configuration, not actual execution. By browsing
with Konqueror, you should be able to see programs that are 'WINE' executable
(they'll have a wineglass associated with them). There is a better configuration tool
available with Codeweavers WINE -
gooseme : 06/07/02 06:31 AM : Incident closed |