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Att: Linux-Phased- lmsensors again

+/- details
User rob1944
Incident Number 26193
Date 2002/07/04 19:32
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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rob1944 : 04/07/02 07:32 PM : Incident created
-   To Linux-Phased (Richard): More lmsensors problems. I'm so pleased with Mandrake 8.2 and KDE 3.0.2, I installed 8.2 on my main box- a Shuttle AK31A rev. 3, via KT266A chipset. I ran the
you sent me, got the results, pasted them in as root to rc.local and
/etc/modules.conf (like before with my Abit KT7 (via 686A). In Gkrellm I got
one temp reading (that wouldn't configure), and no voltage or fan readouts. In short, Gkrellm was dead in the water for sensors.
After countless hours of reading everything at the web site, and in all the
files of sensors 2.6.3, I figured I needed to install 2.6.3 to work with this
newer board (I had installed 2.6.2 from Software manager). Since I have kernel
2.4.18, I figured it was safe to go ahead, so I removed 2.6.2, and tried
(after hours of trying to figure out exactly what to do so as not to mess up
my kernel), and even after trying to understand all the scary warnings in the
2.6.3 INSTALL file, I decided to follow the 2.6.3 QUICKSTART instructions, but
immediate errors. Here is the output:

[wrc1944@localhost wrc1944]$ cd /home/wrc1944/tarballs/lm_sensors-2.6.3
[wrc1944@localhost lm_sensors-2.6.3]$ make
gcc -I. -Ikernel/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/src/linux/include -O2
-D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -fomit-frame-pointer -DEXPORT_SYMTAB -D__SMP__
-DMODVERSIONS -include /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h -c
kernel/busses/i2c-ali1535.c -o kernel/busses/i2c-ali1535.o
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cpp0': No such file or directory
make: *** [kernel/busses/i2c-ali1535.o] Error 1
[wrc1944@localhost lm_sensors-2.6.3]$

The reference to ali1535 doesn't make too much sense, as I have a via KT266A
chipset. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong or overlooking a procedure that's
obvious to the experts, but I'm at
a loss as to how to proceed- I've really tried to figure this out myself, but
with my limited knowledge of Linux, am stumpted. I guess I need a detailed procedure to get the lmsensors working with the AK31A motherboard. I know it has all the sensors, as they all work in win98SE. BTW, I also tried to install
xsensors (as an alternative to gkrellm), and got the same "cannot exec `cpp0':
No such file or directory error" with that.

I really need these monitor readouts- even more than the KT7 board, as I'm running an Athlon XP 1900Mhz.
Robert Crawford

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 12:38 AM : Reply received
-   The cannot execute cpp0 error is due to missing gcc-cpp package, this is a
problem with dependencies in Mandrake 8.2, so what do you have to do easy:

execute the command as root:

urpmi gcc-cpp

after that you can compile.

Wahty ou can do is to send me the output that lmsensors-detect produces, so we
can check if this sensor is supported.

rob1944 : 05/07/02 01:18 AM : More info provided
-   I'll try the cpp0 in root. Meanwhile, here's the output from the first I've done what it said to do, and not much luck, although the "sensors" item is now there in the gkrellm configuration dialog boxes (but doesn't do much. I've looked on the board itself, and the chip is indeed W83698HF. (log file is attached

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 01:45 AM : Reply received
-   wqell that should be an easy one here, execute the command:

modprobe w83781d

and see if you get any error, if you don't get an error, then just add this line:

modprobe w83781d

to the end of: /etc/rc.d/rc.modules

and if you have :

alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

in your modules.conf you will have your sensors up and running after a reboot:-)

rob1944 : 05/07/02 02:33 AM : More info provided
-   here's what happened:

[wrc1944@localhost wrc1944]$ su
[root@localhost wrc1944]# modprobe w83871d
modprobe: Can't locate module w83871d
[root@localhost wrc1944]#

rob1944 : 05/07/02 02:38 AM : More info provided
-   forgot- I reinstalled lmsensore 2.6.2. Then I successfully installed xsensors- no ccp error this time- but the only modules that loaded in the interface were lm75 (O degrees c., and eeprom. Before, it had 7 modules with the 686A activating the display.

Anyway, Should i try and go to 2.6.3? I'm still not clear on all the warnings in the 2.6.3 files- I'm afraid I'll mess up the kernel, but I'm ready to try it. So- basically I should remove 2.6.2, then compile and install 2.6.3?

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 02:48 AM : Reply received
-   No this has nothing to do with the sensors, if it does not find the module you
have some other problem.

Ich hav the same sensors chip, so this for sure works with 2.6.2

check if you have /lib/modules/2.4.18-6mdk/kernel/drivers/sensors/

if not I will send it to you

rob1944 : 05/07/02 03:15 AM : More info provided
-   yes, I have that file. I tried to compile 2.6.3 after removing 2.6.2. It seemed to go well, but at the end I got an error. I'm attaching the log.

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 03:40 AM : Reply received
-   Ah you have several kernels installed:-)

But that make output looks to me as if there is an error within the make file.

Anyways lets get back to your prob, now I just looked at the board specs, the
sensors-detect made an error:-)

See this:
Probing for `Winbond W83697HF'
Trying address 0x0290... Success!
(confidence 8, driver `w83781d')

Actually this Board has the sensor named W83697HF, but sensors detect assumes
it could be the sensor w83781d, and here sensors detect is wrong, just checked
withthe sepecs, I'm going to look at the sensors site and see if this sensor
is supported, I'm not very confident thought.

Will see.

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 03:45 AM : Reply received
-   Well guess I was wrong here, this sensor is with in the driver for:

w83781d i2c isa
as99127f 3 7 3 2 pwm? yes no
w83781d 3 7 3 - yes yes
w83782d 3 9 3 2-4 pwm yes yes
w83783s 1-2 5-6 3 2 pwm yes no
w83627hf 3 9 3 2 pwm yes yes (LPC)
w83697hf 2 6 2 2 pwm no yes

but it is thwe only one that uses the isa bus, now I have to see how you can
do that, that's the first one I ever had using an isa bus :-)

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 03:47 AM : Reply received
-   Ah okay it says here you got load tán additional driver, maybe you have to
load this one first, so execute the command as root:

modprobe i2c-isa

after that

modprobe w83781d

see if this works, or if you already get an error at the first module.

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 03:49 AM : Reply received
-   Uups I think I have it:-)

Run the sensors-detect again, at the last question:

I will now generate the commands needed to load the I2C modules.
Sometimes, a chip is available both through the ISA bus and an I2C bus.
ISA bus access is faster, but you need to load an additional driver module
for it. If you have the choice, do you want to use the ISA bus or the
I2C/SMBus (ISA/smbus)?

you don't press enter to select I2C/SMBus but you write the other option, then
it should generate the right stuff youhave to load.

Check it out and let me know

rob1944 : 05/07/02 03:56 AM : More info provided
-   I couldn't tell if you meant i2c-isa, or i2c- isa, so I did both, separately, and as below.

[wrc1944@localhost wrc1944]$ su
[root@localhost wrc1944]# modprobe i2c- isa
modprobe: Can't locate module isa
[root@localhost wrc1944]# modprobe i2c-isa
[root@localhost wrc1944]# modprobe w83781d
[root@localhost wrc1944]#

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 04:07 AM : Reply received
-   Ok
It seemms like since you have such a brand new board that this is of advantage.
It states in the doc that the ISA bus is faster then the I2c in reading out values

rob1944 : 05/07/02 04:08 AM : More info provided
-   I think that's waht i got the first time. I think I could have made a typo when I pasted the lines into /etc/- I'll go back and do it over- have attached output

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 04:25 AM : Reply received
-   Well it looks different now I think these are the correct readings now:

#----cut here----
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe w83781d
#----cut here----

To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to either
/etc/modules.conf or /etc/conf.modules:

#----cut here----
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#----cut here----

so this would mean you have to append :

# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe w83781d

to rc.modules


alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

to modules.conf

try it after a reboot.

Well it's time for me to go to bed now--> 4 o'clock in the morning here:-)

I have been setting up my mailserver with dyndns, since I have a DSL
connection now and handle some of my mailaccounts myself and I just got it all
straight I'm able to receive and send mail on my own server using postfix:-)
Hey if you want to know if I'm online just point your browser to :

If a website shows up you know my Mandrake Secure Network Firewall with Web,
FTP, Mailserver is up.

See ya

rob1944 : 05/07/02 04:32 AM : More info provided
-   ok- lmsensors 2.6.2 (and libs) is installed. I pasted the new detect info into the files as root. I'm getting the same thing I described in the beginning of this incident thread, so I must not have made a typo. Also,both the gmkrell and xsensors monitor programs are detecting lm75 for some reason. krell also has a line in the setup that says lm75-i2c-0-4e/temp. Still has no voltage or fans. I think I read on the lmsensors web site that 2.6.2 sometimes has problems with via vt8233 chips, but I'm not sure on what page.

OK- get some sleep- sorry to take so much of your time. I'll go over all this again- maybe I made a stupid error somewhere.

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 04:41 AM : Reply received
-   I'm still here:-)
But go in the next few seconds.

Does lm_sensors load at startup or do you get an error.

If you execute the command in konsole:


you will see all info--> and if that works it's time to setup gkrellm

rob1944 : 05/07/02 05:12 AM : More info provided
-   OK- I reviewed everything, put everything according to the last sensors detect, and rebooted. Now gmkrell has no sensors item in the menu at all. xsensors opens, but is just a little 1 inch square grey box, with absolutely nothing in it.

Installed with software manager is lm_sensors 2.6.2, liblm_sensors1, liblm_sensors1-devel, liblm_sensors1-static-devel

rc.local file:
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe w83781d

Modules.conf file:
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

I'm at a loss as to explain this, other than this board and/or the via KT266A vt8233 chipset doesn't work with lmsensors 2.6.2, and the version of i2c in the mandrake 8.2 kernel. I'm curious as to why the detect I ran didn't say it needed the i2c viapro, as the lmsensors web page says the 8233 chip does.

UPDATE: Just did sensors-detect one last time, and it turned out differently- added some more lines in cut/paste at end. See attached file.

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 11:34 AM : Reply received
-   Well actually you could insert all of those to rc.modules:

#----cut here----
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-viapro
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe adm1021
modprobe eeprom
modprobe w83781d
#----cut here----

but it shozuld be enough, to place this line in modules.conf:

alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

what happens if you type:


in konsole ?

Do you get any error, saying something is not loaded?

You could also show me the output:


as root gives you after you changed the above and rebooted, also make sure
sensors is activated in services.

rob1944 : 05/07/02 04:08 PM : More info provided
-   My ISP That works with linux is down- had to sign on with windows and AOL! Anyway, I tried the last results- gkrell sensors do not show up in list at at all. The xsensors monitor program now opens with only one tab- the eeprom memory readout. I thought the added line would do the trick, but apparently not.
There is nor reference to the KT266A board in my sensors.conf file, only the via 686A is there. Is that a problem? Also, should I be putting these lines in all the rc files in /etc/? I think there are tree. I'll stay online in win98 for a short while for a reply, then go back to Linux and see if my ISP is back, and try to run sensors. Also, when I boot the machine, I get a message "can't access /proc file or proc/i2c bus is unreadable. Make sure you have done modprobe i2c-proc (or something like that- I forgot to write it down)

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 04:40 PM : Reply received
-   Well if you get that last error message, then he cannot load find any sensors,
because the modules don't get loaded.

You might want to try the newer lm_sensor packages now I just saw there were
some changes in the 2.6.3 and 2.6.4 and you also might want to get a newer
sensors detect.

Here is the newest sensors detect:

The rest of the stuff can be found here:

you might want to checkout the newest files from cvs

I won't be online much this weekend as I have some exams next week. So I see
if I can get back to you, but it may take a while.
Just play a little around with that stuff.

rob1944 : 05/07/02 04:40 PM : More info provided
-   Here's the sensors and lsmod output.

rob1944 : 05/07/02 07:54 PM : More info provided
-   Downloaded, and ran the new, and the results were the same, except no eeprom line. There are some more interesting lines in the detection process, so I'm sending a log file of the detection. As mentioned above,I still can't get 2.6.3 installed. I guess I need 1,2,3, steo by step instructions. I'll try again- I can't understand why it's going wrong- I've installed lots of tar.gz files before. I remove 2.6.2 in software manager first (maybe I need to reboot before installing 2.6.3???)

Linux-phased : 05/07/02 10:24 PM : Reply received
-   Yep looks about the same, when I lokked at the output of lsmod it looks prety
good there already, because those modules have been loaded already they just
don't attach right, maybe because you need the newer version.

I will see what I can do. I check tonight if I can create an rpm for you and
the cooker, cause they still have 2.6.2 in there.

rob1944 : 05/07/02 11:56 PM : More info provided
-   Tried to install 2.6.3 again-only can get so far- file log is attached. I noticed on the lmsensors webpage table of chips that the w83697HFd chip needs 2.6.3 beta, and that is the chip on this Shuttle AK31A board, so even though it says the via vt8233 (southbridge of the KT266A) chipset uses 2.6.2, if that windbond sensors chip needs 2.6.3, that might be the conflict. At least that's my new theory.All my other theories have failed to pan out.

Linux-phased : 06/07/02 01:42 AM : Reply received
-   Yep I just read that too this is what I think too, because the modules stuff
looks already good and I'M pretty confident 2.6.3 fixes it.

I'm going to check it out now, see if it compiles an rpm.

Linux-phased : 06/07/02 03:23 AM : Reply received
-   Well I tell you what. I haven't seen such a bad code in a while. I've been
trying to compile for 1h 30 minutes, fixed about 10 errors already and I'm
getting pretty far now with compiling, but still no end.

Ok so this is going to take at least until Thursday. Since I got exams Monday
Tuesday Wednesday, sorry for, that but really I don't remember having had so
many problems with compiling any programms whithin a year.

Tzzz these people really amaze me, that they got so far writing a sensor
programm that even works and having such difficulty in creating a working make
and specfile.

rob1944 : 06/07/02 11:07 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks for confirming I'm not totally crazy and can't understand basic logic about this lmsensors insanity! Take your time, and pay more attention to your exams than my minor problems about this -I can always go to bios and make sure my temps are OK. Your previous solution for my Duron rig worked great. I'm a writer, and have started an article about the minor problems with Linux from a windows expert users perspective, wanting to go to Linux. Perhaps it will offer real world suggestions about what windows users would like to see in a Linux distribution. Again, many thanks for all your effort and time trying to help me.

Linux-phased : 12/07/02 10:36 AM : Reply received
-   Sorry I have to tell you this will take some longer, my server broke
down(hardware damage--> no not an overheated processor:-) ), I managed to fix
him but until everything is backup it will take some time, and next 2 exams
are on 22, 23 July, so I think I will be able to start to compile on 24 of
July, sounds like a good day:-) Are you american?

rob1944 : 12/07/02 07:22 PM : More info provided
-   Sounds good. Yes, I'm American- live in Florida. I'm looking forward to the new lmsensors package. Hope you don't have any trouble with it. I'm sure a lot of people will really be glad to see it happen. I can't be the only one having problems, since you say there's something flawed in the code.
Thanks Again!

Linux-phased : 13/07/02 03:50 AM : Reply received
-   I guess that's also the reason why there is no 2.6.3 lm_sensors rpm in the

Linux-phased : 13/07/02 08:51 PM : Reply received
-   Hey got some for ya:
download all lmsensors packages.

rob1944 : 13/07/02 11:31 PM : More info provided
-   I can get to the index page for the link you sent, but then when I try and download an lmsensors package, all I can get is my Real Player lauching, and trying to get me to configure it. Can't get any further. I removed real player, but now can't get any further than a blank page with "Plugger: No appropriate application for type audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin found!" I wrote an email to the site describing what happens, but haven't heard back yet. I can't figure out why that would happen. Any ideas?

I found another site for the PLD Linux Distribution, that has 2.6.3 rpms. Do you think those would work? Here is the link if you wish to check it out. I'm no expert, but i thing anything for Red Hat would be more likely to work with Mandrake than from PLD.

rob1944 : 14/07/02 02:49 AM : More info provided
-   Finally got the rpms- They mysteriously had downloaded to tmp/kde-wrc1944, with a netscapeplugin prefix on them- can't explain how that happened- there was never a download options box. Renamed all four to the original names, then successfully installed them in Software manager, as usual. Then ran the new sensors detect you sent before, and got same result, except no eeprom line this time. All the appropriate lines are in the etc/ files. Anyway, I shut down, rebooted- still no sensors item in Gkrellm. Xsensors still only has the eeprom tab, that has all the ram readouts- obviously that works.

At the end of the sensors-detect output, it says Copy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors
for initialization at boot time. There is no such file there, but there is a file named sensors. Could this be a problem, since it's not there? Can I simply create an "lm_sensors" text file, and add that line? Or does the file need to have a specific extension?

Attached is the latest log of the sensors-detect process- it's basically the same as before. Software Manager says 2.6.3 packages are installed. Do I need to remove Gkrellm and reinstall it? I'm grasping at straws at this point.

Linux-phased : 15/07/02 09:13 AM : Reply received
-   Question regarding that log:

"Do you want to generate /etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors? (YES/no): YES
Copy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors
for initialization at boot time.
[root@localhost wrc1944]#"

Did it create the file /etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors ?

rob1944 : 15/07/02 05:12 PM : More info provided
-   Yes- here are the final lines, which conform with what sensors-detect specified. BTW-the only difference I can find in the other machine with the via686A chipset that has lmsensors working, is that it specifies the 686A driver in the sensors-detect list. With the KT266A Shuttle motherboard machine, the only difference is that it correctly detects the W83697HF chip, and then substitutes the w83781d. I'm starting to think this substitution could be a factor, and for some reason causes the failure. On the other machine (686A), when I open Xsensors, and click the 686a tab, all the voltage, fans, and temps immediately appear in their respective readout boxes. The key factor seems to be having the correct 686A driver line specified in the file. Here's the info you asked about. What if I changed the line to the actual chip I have, instead of what sensors-detect says to substitute? Of course, I would have to have that actual driver, wouldn't I? The w83781d is obviously not working, although I don't know precisely why. I guess it might work if I had other things correct, but so far, no luck.why.

# This file is used by /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors and defines the modules to
# be loaded/unloaded. This file is sourced into /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors.
# The format of this file is a shell script that simply defines the modules
# in order as normal variables with the special names:
# MODULE_1, MODULE_2, MODULE_3, etc.
# List the modules that are to be loaded for your system
# Generated by sensors-detect on Sun Jul 14 08:17:30 2002

Linux-phased : 15/07/02 08:59 PM : Reply received
-   How about contacting the guys from lm_sensors?

I'm sure they would be interested since you have such new hardware, they may
also have some other tricks, they can tell you.

rob1944 : 15/07/02 09:32 PM : More info provided
-   That's certainly worth a shot. Does this mean the Mandrake Experts are stumped? I only have one more week on my online support from the Power Pack purchase. Could you offer some thoughts about the last questions I posed about changing the line to the actual type chip on the board? I know you've gone far beyond the call of duty on this problem, and I'm sorry I took so much of your time.
Many thanks,

Linux-phased : 15/07/02 10:23 PM : Reply received
-   Well I think we have done everything possible out of the manual:-)
So I think it's up to the guys that code the programm.

If I was you I would just try to play around with some module loadings etc.
you can always load and unload the modules by hand and experiment with them.
To load modules yu need the command:




I will get a new board now, since my other one just broke down now I will
see how it works there. You can leave this incident open or openup another
one later one. It would be easier if I had the same board, then I could even
change some of the source code if it was neccessary, I have programmed a
tuning tool once for my MSI Board to change the FSB speed while operating.

If you are concerned about the support period, don't worry even if the 30 or
60 day period is over you can ask your questions here, but you just don't
have the guarantee then, that you will receive an answer within 48 hours,
but usually you will receive the answer just a fast as if you were entitled
to support.

So you can come back here at any time.

rob1944 : 15/07/02 11:01 PM : More info provided
-   Sounds good. I'll keep trying, and if I find out anything I'll let you know. I'll also try and find something out from the lmsensors guys. I can't believe they haven't got a patch or figured something out yet for the viaKT266A chipset- it's almost a year old now, and a very widely used piece of hardware. One last question: Do you think upgrading the kernel would help. I noticed at lmsensors web site they were talking about the new i2c was accepted in 2.5 kernels, with some updates for chipsets. Maybe this particular chipset doesn't work with kernel 2.4.18? However, I don't know if I'm ready or know enough yet to mess with a kernel upgrade. I'm afraid I might break all the applications, or get into such a complex problem with version dependencies I'd never figure it out, and have to start all over.

Linux-phased : 15/07/02 11:06 PM : Reply received
-   Actually there was something changed in the 2.4.18 kernel on the cooker
forgot to mention that, would be worth another try.

Just look in the coker ftp for the 2.4.18-21mdk kernel all you need to do is
to donload this kernel and instll it it will show up as a new option.

rob1944 : 15/07/02 11:50 PM : More info provided
-   OK- I'll try that, but only after I read more on how to go about doing a new kernel. I guessIi need to learn how anyway. I've read some about it, and it sounds like i should be able to figure it out on my own. I'll let you know what happens.

Linux-phased : 15/07/02 11:58 PM : Reply received
-   Well compiling a bradnew kernel whithout having any old config file
in /boot/ directory is a pain, just did that last week when I installed
gentoo linux, had to comile 3 times with different options until it worked
without errors at boot.

Gentoo is a lot of fun, but it was not more than a test how much speedier
gentoo is, I don't think I will do it again unless I got lots of time. It
took about 8 hours just to have it installed from scratch with just kde 3 on
it, adding other packages takes a long time too, to build up a complete
installation like mandrake takes I guess aroun 4 or 5 days of compiling on a
Ghz processor and the speed you get afterwards with the optimized packages
is almost not noticable.

rob1944 : 16/07/02 12:07 AM : More info provided
-   Well- I'm already lost. Just looked at cooker, and there are several kernel rpms. I thought I had to compile. Am I supposed to download all the rpms for 2.4.18-21mdk, and just install them like any other rpm? Your last note mentions days of compiling. I'm confused, and now am worried even if I do get the new kernel with the rpms, I'll have to reinstall every application, or they won't work.

rob1944 : 16/07/02 12:29 AM : More info provided
-   OK- found the MUO kernal upgrade pages- that should give me the info I need- I'll try and get it myself- looks like I should be able to do it OK.

Linux-phased : 16/07/02 01:30 AM : Reply received
-   Well the kernel 2.4.18-21 on the cooker just install like every other
application you just have to download that single rpm and install it that's
it, I got that kernel on one of my machines.

The compiling stuff is just if you would download the 2.4.5 kernel version:-)

rob1944 : 16/07/02 02:02 AM : More info provided
-   My Software manager says I have 2.4.18-6mdk, plus the source, headers,and docs kernel rpms installed. Shouldn't I go ahead and install all four new rpms, as I'm trying to get the i2c and lmsensors to work? From what I now understand, after I install the new rpms, assuming all goes well, I should have a new boot option in lilo when I boot the machine, and my old kernel will remain untouched, correct? And if not, I need to edit /etc/lilo.conf.- and of course also make a new boot floppy reflecting the new kernel.

Linux-phased : 16/07/02 02:08 AM : Reply received
-   No you don't need to do anythin besides install the package I tested it last
wek it works just fine no messing around with lilo neccessary, no there is
something mentioned in the version changes about lmsensors 2.6.3 just read
the version changes before you install, you will see thos infos in one of
the tabs if you click to install it right were it says description of the

rob1944 : 16/07/02 04:08 AM : More info provided
-   Richard- The MUO kernel upgrade pages seem to contradict what you are telling me.They say I HAVE to uninstall any package I don't upgrade (which I assume will change my current kernel setup) Also, there are no "changes" files to look at on the cooker page I'm downloading from. Also, only the kernel(14.6MB), and an rpm called kernel-BOOT(4.9MB) are the -21mdk. All the rest are different versions(-20mdk, and -35mdk. However,the 35MB source rpm is the -21mdk, so I can get the new kernel and source, but no docs and headers. The pages say I MUST use the same versions. What I want is to have my old kernel intact (four rpms installed), and then add the optional new kernel- but apparently I can't do that if I must uninstall the headers and docs of the old kernel in order to install the kernel and source rpms (without the docs and headers for the new version, which apparently aren't available). If all the things I'm reading are true, I see no safe solution. Maybe I'm not looking on the same cooker page you are, and headers and docs are posted somewhere.

rob1944 : 16/07/02 04:11 AM : More info provided
-   Richard- The MUO kernel upgrade pages seem to contradict what you are telling me.They say I HAVE to uninstall any package I don't upgrade (which I assume will change my current kernel setup) Also, there are no "changes" files to look at on the cooker page I'm downloading from. Also, only the kernel(14.6MB), and an rpm called kernel-BOOT(4.9MB) are the -21mdk.No mention of a BOOT rpm on MUO pages. All the rest are different versions(-20mdk, and -35mdk. However,the 35MB source rpm is the -21mdk, so I can get the new kernel and source, but no docs and headers. The pages say I MUST use the same versions. What I want is to have my old kernel intact (four rpms installed), and then add the optional new kernel- but apparently I can't do that if I must uninstall the headers and docs of the old kernel in order to install the kernel and source rpms (without the docs and headers for the new version, which apparently aren't available). If all the things I'm reading are true, I see no safe solution. Maybe I'm not looking on the same cooker page you are, and headers and docs are posted somewhere. Here's and excerpt from MUO page:
"Also keep in mind that if you have kernel-source/headers or whatever installed, you have to upgrade these packages along with the kernel-rpm or uninstall them before upgrading the kernel-rpm.

Get: kernel-[...]rpm and kernel-doc-[...]rpm.
If your system has more than one processor (CPU), you'll need the kernel-smp-[...]rpm instead.

Compiling intended but no building of a custom kernel
Get: kernel-rpm, kernel-headers-rpm and kernel-doc-rpm.
You'll need the kernel headers if you want to build software on your own. Since the headers-rpm is quite small, I'd suggest you should install it in any case. Most likely you'll need it one day.

Compiling and building intended
Get: kernel-source-rpm and kernel-headers-rpm
The source-rpm includes kernel-docs and is a quite large package (>100MB). You will also need to have the 'binutils' rpm installed (it is on your Mandrake CD)."


Linux-phased : 16/07/02 09:19 AM : Reply received
-   Well the MUO:-)

Do you know who writes MUO articles?--> Contributors, sometimes they jsut
tell crap

If you want to compile any kernel stuff later like modules, or kernel itself
you need of course the sources for 2.4.18-21mdk which are also on the cooker.
If I tell you that you can install this kernel just by clicking on it , you
are safe as I tested it and I usually know what I'm doing:-)

The version infos are inside the rpm, if you click on rpm to install , you
will see the description of the package right, then one tab is for version
changes the 3 tab is for files that are included in the rpm. Just do it with
any rpm and you will see that, you don't even have to install the rpm to see
this info, the button to finaly install the rpm comes after the information.

rob1944 : 16/07/02 03:22 PM : More info provided
-   I figured you knew exactly what you were talking about- it's just when I read that kernel page, I wanted to confirm I wouldn't be making a drastic mistake. From now on, I'll take things I read in those info pages with a grain of salt. I guess sometime they are just flat wrong, or outdated. Sorry- I didn't realize you meant the description in Software manager. The MUO pages had directed me to download to a separate directory, and had not mentioned to go ahead and update the lists in the Software manager, and install from there. I've downloaded the kernel, and the source files, so I guess the plan is to do both. The header file is 35mdk, not 21mdk, so I guess I'll not do that one as it's a different version.
Thanks again for helping me along.

Linux-phased : 16/07/02 05:37 PM : Reply received
-   Ok we will see if it helps anything also I kind of doubt it, but if you
son't try everything you cannot be sure you gave everything.

rob1944 : 17/07/02 07:26 AM : More info provided
-   Well, I tried installing kernel 2.4.18-21mdk, and the source package, after I had to get the modutils upgrade rpm installed first. All seemed to go well, but when I rebooted, total disaster.I'm back too AOL nand win98. I can't boot into the old Linux, or the new 2418-21 kernel. It won't get past a line at top which flashes 9 times, then an error line hangup saying "Init: Id "X" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes. Other errors are Unknown Bridge resource 0: assuming transparent. Booting to nonFB, it runs through all the checks with OK's,, but shutting down sensord=FAILED!- then it does the respawning too fast error again. Sometimes booting to 2418-21, it does about 5 lines (booting to kernel, Unknown Bridge resource, Enterning runlevel 5, Interactive setup, checking new hardware-OK, then hits an error saying "modprobe: can't find module W83697HF, then goes into the flashing hangup, and disables 5 minutes, then flashes 9 times, disables again. I've spent about 10 hours trying to figure it out going to failsafe and CD-rom install rescue disk, reading the boot log in the rescue program, but an totally lost. I've carefully been through all the configuration rescue sections, and dismissed them all after deciding the weren't relevant, or I didn't understand them well enough to do anything. Almost decided to reload the boot loader, but decided against that for now. I'm basically ready to wipe everything and start over at this point, and never do the kernel thing again. If you know a way out, please advise. If not, can I reinstall everything, and just not reformat my home partition and have everything on home saved? If so, if there's any special trick besides the obvious in the partitioning screen during install, please advise. I have boot, root, usr, home,swap, var on the Hard Drive. Sorry to be so much trouble. One other question. If I reinstall, is there a way to install with the 2.4.18-21mdk kernel as the original, or is that not wise? I have all my downloaded rpms for kde3, kernel, etc. on my Home partition. I must seem ridiculous, seeing as how all this foul up has been the result of trying to get a simple sensors program to function.

Linux-phased : 17/07/02 10:57 AM : Reply received
-   Hey from the error you are telling me I judge you have an Nvidia card
installed Nvidia drivers, right:-)

The nvidia graphic driver has to be compiled for each kernel version, so
what do you have to do?

Just wait until it stopped respawning then log in as root, use vi to edit
Xf86onfig-4 remove replace nvidia with nv and start machine.

If you have Nvidia card and you need more help editing XF86Config let me

rob1944 : 17/07/02 07:11 PM : More info provided
-   Yes, I have a nvidia geforce2 mx card, but haven't installed any other drivers than what 8.2 used as default. I assume you meant to boot with 2418-21mdk. When I do a vi Xf86config-4 as root after respawning fails, I get only blue tilde symbols down the entire left side of screen, and a bottom line saying:

"Xf86config" [NewFile] 0,0-1 All

No matter what I do,(press i, or whatever) I can't get the file text to display to come up so I can edit as you said. I printed out 12 pages of the Tom Berger rescue pages for reference. I still don't understand even if this is messed up, why the old Linux kernel won't boot, and does roughly the same thing, except the initial booting process screen is graphical, and the 2218-21 boot goes directly to text mode before it respawns and fails. After several failures at 2418-21 vi, I tried the same procedure with the old Linux kernel. It displayed error E325 :ATTENTION. I wrote down the entire message, and can send it if needed, but briefly it says "found a swap file Xf86config-4.swp, proccess ID1557.
(1) another prog may be editing same file
(2) an edit session for this file has crashed- use ":recover"- if you did so delete swap file to avoid this message.

swap file "Xf86config-4.swp" already exists.

Before you answered, my thoughts were since some of the errors referred to "sensord" and "can't create module W83697HF", I should get to a terminal and as root and remove lmsensors 2.6.3 rpms, and/or the 2.4.18-21mdk rpms with rpm -e rpmfile, then recover the boot loader, and see if I get back to the old kernel booting successfully. Could this be caused by not installing the 2.4.18-21mdk headers file as MUO said I should do, even thought all I could find was a 35mdk version?

rob1944 : 18/07/02 06:29 AM : More info provided
-   I downloaded, printed out, and read thoroughly many times vi 101, and vi command reference, then tried countless times to do what you instructed. Most of the commands don't do anything- even simple cursor movements. I can't open the file, or get any text to display in the Xf86config-4 file, or recover or delete the extra Xf86config-4.swp file vi says I now have. The only command that seems to work is to go back and forth from insert to command mode, but nothing can be made to function in either one. This happens both trying to boot from the old linux kernel selection, or the new 2814-21. At this point, I have made no progress whatsoever. I guess I need to know exactly what to type, and exactly in what sequence. I studied the remove/replace mode command, but without even knowing if I'm in the correct place (no file text is seen), I'm relunctant to try the R command, as it says it writes over existing text. As far as I know, the cursor could be anywhere in the file. This is really frustrating to carefully follow directions in these tutorials I'm reading, and inexplicably have things not work. I'm sure it's very simple, but if you have no experience in doing it, it's very confusing, as things don't seem to function as the instructions describe.

rob1944 : 18/07/02 06:51 AM : More info provided
-   I used my 8.2 floppy boot disk, and can get into my 2.4.18-6mdk KDE3 environment, so I'm better able to navigate around now, and can easier do any editing you might instruct me to do.

rob1944 : 18/07/02 07:38 AM : More info provided
-   I found two XF86Config-4 files (one has the .old extension), and two XF86Config files (again, one has the .old extension)in /etc/X11. I've attached a little file showing the Graphics sections of all four. As I understand you, I'm to change the "nvidia" driver in ONLY the XF86Config-4 file (no others), and then shutdown, and restart the machine, and this will recompile the driver in the new kernel? Do I boot with 2418-21mdk? I do have 21mdk showing up in /BOOT as config-2.4.18-21mdk, and initrd-2.4.18-21mdk., and in usr/src/linux-2.4.18-21mdk.

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 10:16 AM : Reply received
-   Hey okay, this is the nvdia stuff so remove the "nvidia" in XF86Config-4 and
replace it with "nv" also if you find a line "Load "glx" " comment that line
with --> #

then save and restart, we do the rest later on, I can tell you how to work
with vi later on it's pretty easy once you have seen how vi works.

rob1944 : 18/07/02 10:33 AM : More info provided
-   OK- I'll give it a try. I feel much better, now that I know my original kernel and apps are still there, functioning perfectly, and I can get there with the floppy boot disk! Many times, with windows I have been saved by a boot disk- this was the first time in Linux though. I'm definitely learning a lot from this experience, even though at times it is a nightmare. Now I know I can abandon the attitude of "just reinstall the operating system" when you run into major problems (at least they seem like major problems at the time- when in reality, they probably aren't aren't) A little knowledge goes a long way with this Linux stuff.
Thanks for all the help!

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 10:44 AM : Reply received
-   Ah I just looked on one of the cookers, they now upgraded lm_sensors there
two, I have to check how I can burn the stuff from cooker to cd so I can
already have a complete preview of mandrake 8.3, because I want to install
mandrake on another laptop with all the latest stuff. If I know how to do
that, I will let you know, then you can do the same and you can be sure you
have all the latest packages that are available and that work together
without denpency probs or other shit.

But for now fight a little bit with that installation, the more probs you
have the more cool things you will find out

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 11:05 AM : Reply received
-   Okay if you are intrested you can make your own cds out of the upcoming
mandrake 8.3, you would kind of have one of the first betas here:-)

Dowload the directory: i586 here--> ftp://ftp.uni-

then run the script mkcds in the misc directory of the i586 directory this
will create isos, then you can burn these images either with:

mkisofs -R -b images/boot.img -c images/ -o cooker.iso cooker
cdrecord -eject -v speed=4 dev=4,0 cooker.iso

(dev=4,0 can be determined with cdrecord -scanbus)

or with some windows tool like nero

rob1944 : 18/07/02 11:27 AM : More info provided
-   Didn't work. Carefully changed file as you instructed. I'm sure I made no mistakes. I thought I could send you a copy of the file, but now the boot disk won't work either. I'm in windows 98 again. Same respawning too fast problem, then disabed for 5 min, booting from both kernels. I did notice when rebooting now the shutting down sensord line doesn't FAIL as before, it say OK now. When had tried it a few times, and failed, I got to the disabled for 5 min point, and su to root, and tried startkde, and then startx. Got the following errors:
Parse error on line 99 of section module in file /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
It will load Xfree86 glx module and server will crash
" is not a valid keyword in this section
Fatal server error
No screens found
Fatal error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server

I changed the "nvidia" to "nv", and put --> # in front of the uncommented line referring to libglx or something like that in the Nvidia GLX section. That line has an entire path- not just the "glx" you mentioned. I guess since I can't get into a GUI, you'll need to give me exact instructions for using the vi editor to get whatever went wrong fixed.

I'd like to get the 8.3, but I only have a 56k connection, and no cd burner anyway. Maybe I can get my sister to do it for me- she has dsl and a burner.

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 11:38 AM : Reply received
-   Okay you must have made a mistake as it reports an error in line 99. Now log
in as root, then execute the command:

vi /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

move down to line 99 ,now press insert now you can modify lines after you
have modified the line press esc, now you can enter commands again, enter :


to quit and save



to just save

You can also try to setup your machine again with the command:

XFdrake as root.

rob1944 : 18/07/02 11:49 AM : More info provided
-   OK- I'll give it a try. I'm sure I made no typos, and did exactly what you said. I'll have to go out of windows- might take a while. I might stop after this try for a while- I've been up all night and it's almost sunrise here. That glx line was indented, so maybe I should have been more careful. You did mean to type --> # and not just # didn't you?

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 12:00 PM : Reply received
-   You can also remove the line with Load "glx" completely.
It just has to be out of the way ntil the nvidia drivers work again.

rob1944 : 18/07/02 01:01 PM : More info provided
-   So far, so good! I followed your instructions, and got the vi screen to show the file this time. Edited line 99 (took out the --> I had mistakenly typed in), but then it suddenly flashed in the error line about respawning- I guess it had held it in a buffer of some kind. Anyway, I had to use the vi Recover, and it finally got back to the top ov vi, and I went to line 99, and it was correct, so I esc, and rebooted into 2.4.18-21mdk. After I got kde3.0.2, I checked in kde control center, and sure enough, it said 2.4.18-21mdk. So- I guess I've gotten the new kernel running. When I first got into kde, a box came up saying the sound configuration was wrong, or something- a minor glitch, if that's all thats wrong. I'll check out my other programs, but everything seems to be running fine, as I went online with no problems at all.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction (actually, you solved the whole thing!) I definitely learned a lot from this. I think I'll wait a day or two before fooling with lmsensors again. I'm waiting to see ifIi have problems on my next boot up. Once I get through that, I'll feel confident about the new kernel.

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 04:10 PM : Reply received
-   Well that kernel has some improvents that you probably wll not notice, but on
my machine it is a lot of difference this new version has improved networking
modules QOS FreeSwan support and some more stuff which is quite nice if you
have a router.

Well I see things are working again, vi is not as difficult as it seems,

There is a vi tutorial in the e-training section here for some advanced

rob1944 : 18/07/02 08:00 PM : More info provided
-   My vi mistake was I failed to type in the entire path to XF86Config-4. I now realize you had assumed the first time (and rightly so, of course) that I would know to do that. Your mistake was assuming people out there aren't idiots! Thanks for putting up with us.
With this kernel, I noticed right away that everything is now a little faster, and more responsive on this machine. Really noticable. I suspect they did some optimization for Athlon XP cpu's (i686 type), among a bunch of other things. Think I'll look up the change logs from 2.4.18-6mdk, and -21mdk, to see what's up. Only problems I have found so far is that the K-menu shortcuts to any K-Office app don't function, and the sound error message appears at boot-up. All others seem to work as before. Minor things, really, which I'm sure I can fix. The sound error is:
Error while initializing the sound driver:
device /dev/dsp can't be opened (no such file or directory)
The sound server will continu , using the null output device.

Any ideas on this one? As for K-Office, I think I'll get the new Open Office anyway, and remove KOffice until the next update comes out, unless you think KOffice is just as good. I work with MS Word 97 documents, so I need that capability.

Linux-phased : 18/07/02 09:41 PM : Reply received
-   OpenOffice 1.0 rpms are on the cooker, they are in fact really good.
The sound thing I'm sure just occurs if you login as user, login as root check
if it works there:-)

Sometimes after logging in as root and then log back out it works in the
usersession too, try that one

rob1944 : 19/07/02 09:23 AM : More info provided
-   Got Office 1.0 off the cooker, but install complains I need three more packages. I don't wish toforce it, so I quit install. Searched on Mandrake, and internet for two hours, with no luck. They are:
libstdc <>=S 3.1-0.3mdk
libstdc .so.4 <>=S
libstdc .so.4(GLIBCPP_3.1)<>=S

Are they part of a larger package-that's all I can think of?

On the sound thing- I definitely don't have the dev/dsp file on my hard drive- guess I'll run sndconfig and see what gives.

rob1944 : 19/07/02 10:23 AM : More info provided
-   Hmmm... Is what I need to do is install the gcc-c -3.1.1-08mdk.i586.rpm from the cooker to cover Open Office dependencies? I downloaded it, but will wait for confirmation. From what I've been reading, this should contain those other libraries- or am I way off base here?

Linux-phased : 19/07/02 12:05 PM : Reply received
-   No you cannot install gcc 3.1 from cooker this will mess up your
installation, I already did that:-(

Just define get the libstdc this should be enough.
To make it easier you can setup two new sources, the cooker ones. All you
need to do is, to setup a new source ftp punch in the path to the RPMS
directory and as relative path-->

also do this for the second RPMS2 directory this way it will automatically
download the neccessray packages.

Don't force anything I sometmes do that but only if I'm very sure what I'm
doing and if I know the packages, but in cooker case no no no no.

rob1944 : 19/07/02 06:54 PM : More info provided
-   Do you mean install the libstdc 3.1-3.1.1-0.8mdk.i586.rpm? I've already downloaded it, but not installed yet. I assume this is the standard c library?
I suspected installing gcc 3.1 might cause problems- glad I didn't do it. Thanks for the warning.

I think your statement "Just define get the libstdc this should be enough.
To make it easier you can setup two new sources, the cooker ones. All you
need to do is, to setup a new source ftp punch in the path to the RPMS
directory and as relative path-->
../base/ " refers to the Software Manager

Linux-phased : 20/07/02 12:19 PM : Reply received
-   Yes it should be enough installing the c library

rob1944 : 22/07/02 06:08 PM : More info provided
-   That worked fine- Open Office works great now. I guess it's time to close out this incident- it's wandering far afield from the original question. Thanks for all the help. Even though I still never have gotten lmsensors to work, I'm not giving up.

Linux-phased : 22/07/02 07:00 PM : Reply received
-   I guess lm_sensors just does not support your board yet, I told you that I
ordered a new board, I had problems with lm_sensors 2.6.2 although this board
elitegroup K7SA5 is not the newest anymore, they have been building it for
some time now, after 2.6.3 it worked so if my older board already needs 2.6.3
I guess your will work maybe with the next release 2.6.4

rob1944 : 23/07/02 05:40 AM : More info provided
-   I did download the 2.6.3 from the first site you told me about, but it didn't work. I've downloaded the 2.6.3 posted on Mandrake, but haven't tried that yet. I guess the 2.6.4 will be my next try. What's odd is that the lmsensors site says 2.6.3 works with my chipset- but I haven't been able to get it to. If I ever solve it, I'll let you know.

rob1944 : 23/07/02 07:26 AM : More info provided
-   Well- apparently sensors are now working. I downloaded and compiled 2.6.4 from the lmsensors site which was released July 19. When I got to the end, I got an Error 1 (see below). Anyway, I rebooted, and the sensors item was there in Gkrellm, and I get cpu, motherboard temps, fan speed, and 8 voltage readouts. I don't know why I got the final compile error, but this is certainly progress. Just need to check with the bios to see if I need to make any offset adjustments in Gkrell config. Here's the last few lines of the log. BTW, the W83697HF-isa-0290/xxx (where xxx is fan1, fan2, temp1, etc.) now shows up in Gkrellm config as the chip detected. I didn't even do the sensors-detect routine- just left the old lines in the files. Maybe I should check that out, but on the other hand, things are working fine now. I guess that was the problem all along. What is error 1?
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h|cut -f 2 -d'"'`/misc ;
install -o root -g root -m 644 kernel/busses/i2c-ali1535.o
kernel/busses/i2c-ali15x3.o kernel/busses/i2c-amd756.o
kernel/busses/i2c-hydra.o kernel/busses/i2c-i801.o kernel/busses/i2c-i810.o
kernel/busses/i2c-isa.o kernel/busses/i2c-sis5595.o kernel/busses/i2c-piix4.o
kernel/busses/i2c-savage4.o kernel/busses/i2c-via.o kernel/busses/i2c-viapro.o
kernel/busses/i2c-voodoo3.o /lib/modules/`grep UTS_RELEASE
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/version.h|cut -f 2 -d'"'`/misc ;
install: `/lib/modules/2.4.18-21mdksmp' is a directory
install: `2.4.18-21mdkenterprise' is a directory
install: `2.4.18-21mdk' is a directory
make: *** [install-kernel-busses] Error 1
[root@localhost lm_sensors-2.6.4]#

Linux-phased : 23/07/02 07:55 AM : Reply received
-   :-) That's the error I always got when doing make, the problem is, they have
an error in that makefile which seems to only have an effect on mandrake
machine otherwise they should have fixed that. The problem is with this
error, this is the copying stage and the file complains that it cannot copa
to those directorys because they forgot a / slash, but after even fixing that
there are other errors which wuld keep you from making the whole thing.

But I will checkout this source now and compile the 2.6.4 since there maybe
some new stuff for me too.
I guess I just extract a source rpm from the older 2.6.3 mdk package chekout
what they did to fix it there and do the same with this release.
But at least we know it's working with 2.6.4, I guess it just compiled a new
sensors module and overwrote one of the old ones as you said it runs now.

rob1944 : 23/07/02 08:09 AM : More info provided
-   I can send you my whole log if you wish. Strange thing- I can't get the other program xsensors to even install. I removed it from /usr/local/bin/, and reinstalled it. Says it can't find the program. I expect I've broken a link, and can't figure out where it is. No big deal-I'll figure it out later. I just downloaded Ksensors, another little program- they had a RedHat rpm they said works with Mandrake 8.x. I guess I'm lucky it works at all with Gkrellm, considering the error I got. But it is good to know I wasn't completely incompetent, or crazy, and I needed 2.6.4 all along.

Linux-phased : 23/07/02 06:30 PM : Reply received
-   Yep:-)

At least we did not give up on it.

So, I probably install Mandrake 9.0 Beta 1 today

rob1944 : 23/07/02 07:06 PM : More info provided
-   When I tried that RedHat ksensors package, it said it needed 2.6.2, so I abandoned that idea immediately- I'll just stick with Gkrellm, which now works fine. Wish I had a high speed connection and cd burner so I could get into Mandrake 9.0 beta. I guess I'll close out this incident now since we seemed to have come to a conlusion. Thanks for all the help, and I'll keep in touch from time to time.
Robert Crawford

Linux-phased : 23/07/02 08:15 PM : Reply received
-   Alright I guess it's time to close it now until we overflood the database:-)

Mandrake 9.0 is already installed on my laptop now, just getting the lastest
packages from cooker, not many changes though, but for the first beta
already promising, compared to the redhat beta I tried last week.
I had the redhat on my lappi for about 2 h in those 2 hours I found so many
errors bugs etc that I fomatted it right away.

Alright then see you around

rob1944 : 24/07/02 12:30 AM : Incident closed
-   Richard- Thanks for all the effort and follow-ups to my lmsensors ordeal. Because of you, and the other Mandrake Experts offering such great support, I'd recommend Buying Mandrake Power Packs to anyone wanting to learn the Linux based OS. The product and service are of the highest quality, and a value that can't be beat!
A very satisfied customer,
Robert Crawford

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