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Need libqt3 (RPM) so I can install KDE v3.0

+/- details
User gooseme
Incident Number 25973
Date 2002/07/02 05:24
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
gooseme : 02/07/02 05:24 AM : Incident created
-   Hello

I tried to install the core RPM for the new KDE v3.0. I was all excited about it but then I get this message asking for "disk 6#". Well, I don't have disk 6 and I need the "libqt3" (RPM) library in order to install it. Could someone please send me this file via email?;-). My email addy is...

[email protected]

PS: What's up with Lately, I click to download an RPM and I get this black screen and no download..hmmm

Anyway, thanks!!

Linegod_7611 : 02/07/02 07:28 AM : Reply received
-   Go to one of the FTP mirror sites to get the file. I'd recommend

And if is acting up, just right click on the file and select 'save-as' to see
if it works any better.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

gooseme : 02/07/02 11:55 AM : More info provided
-   Hello

Thank's for trying to help me. Unfortunately however, no matter which mirror of I go to, the problem is the same (black pages when clicking to download an RPM) and clicking on/"save as" from the right-click menu does nothing but allow me to save "push.html" rather that the actual RPM. Finally, I looked through that site you sent but there were no RPMs at all and only a few scripts. Could you please send me libqt3 (it's supposedly on disk 6).

Thank you

gooseme : 02/07/02 01:35 PM : Incident closed

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