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My Linux app "wish list". Can you help%3

+/- details
User gooseme
Incident Number 24936
Date 2002/06/15 18:06
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
gooseme : 15/06/02 06:06 PM : Incident created
-   Hi

I'm currently looking for the following Linux apps:

(1) A Linux eqivilent to Window's Paint Shop Pro or something comparable

(2) An app for loading digital camera images from your camera

(3) An HTML and/or Javascript encryption tool

(4) A tool capable of creating self-decrypting files

(5) A true WYSIWYG HTML editor (similar to AOL Press)

Anyone know where I can get such programs?. I know there are a lot of good Linux software sites to go looking in but what I really need are recommendations like; "oh yeah, I know of a great HTML editor called happy-face edit that you can download from...blah...blah...". Anyway, thank's in advance for any help you people can provide!;-)

Linegod_7611 : 15/06/02 06:58 PM : Reply received
-   1) The Gimp - it's on the CD
2) gphoto or gphoto2 - it's on the CD, or updated version from
3) Guardbot -
4) ?
5) Quanta would be the closest (on the CD)

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

gooseme : 15/06/02 07:53 PM : More info provided
-   Hi again

(1) I already have the Gimp
(2) I already have Gphoto but it does'nt support my camera. The updated version that does told me that I need a certain dependancy when I tried to install it. Then, wehen I tired to install the dependancy, it told me it conflicted with one that was already there.
(3) GuardBot looked REALLY good but I've always had horrible luck with tarballs being the "wet-around-the-ears" newbie that I am. Also, this program looks like it is commercial and expires after a certain number of days.
(4) Ok, this one is no big deal
(5) I already have Quanta Plus. It is a good HTML editor but you cannot edit pages in real-time

Sorry, I'm really not complaining and I appreciate your help a LOT but unfortunately, I'm still having a difficult time finding these things.

1) The Gimp - it's on the CD
2) gphoto or gphoto2 - it's on the CD, or updated version from
3) Guardbot -
4) ?
5) Quanta would be the closest (on the CD)

gooseme : 23/06/02 12:20 AM : Incident closed

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