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User Dyster
Incident Number 24701
Date 2002/06/12 04:59
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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Dyster : 12/06/02 04:59 AM : Incident created
-   1) Does anyone know how to change the Mankdrake Linux boot
screen back to the old way(i.e., watching the services load)
instead of the blue bar?

2) I've read numerous articles about the "hdparm" command to see
hard disk thruput and to change it, yet the command does not
exist in MDK Linux. Is there another?

3) Why does MDK (a sister of redhat ) not use "Xconfigurator"?
Is there a way to change monitors from the console after boot
like "Xconfigurator" with probe feature?

4) I started using MDK 2 yrs ago(7.0)on a PII 350 & 160MB RAM.
It booted quickly. I now use MDK 8.2(having used all versions
since 7.0) and, since the 2.4 Kernel, it IS much slower to boot
to console,now on a K6-2 550 & 328MB RAM. Is this because
of a fatter kernel that I must make lean or something else?

Thanks, Dyster.

BeardedUncle : 12/06/02 05:33 AM : Reply received
-   1. What if you boot linux-nofb?
2. hdparm pachage is on the 3d CD of download edition of 8.2.
3. xf86config is good.
4. a little bit of both. Kernel is very much bigger, and Mandrake includes
an incredible amount of their own stuff in it, starting with the splash
screen and ending with proprietary 3d party drivers. And there are numeorus
services to load by default. But still, there can be some timeouts if your
system boots too long.

Good Luck,

Linegod_7611 : 12/06/02 07:28 AM : Reply received
-   1. Add ' noquiet' to your 'append' line in '/etc/lilo.conf' and then run /sbin/lilo
2. You can find the Mandrake hdparm at also.
3. The MDK tool is called 'XFdrake'
4. Turn off kudzu, harddrake, netfs and xfs via 'drakxservices'. This should
increase boot time slightly. You may also want to turn off any other unneeded

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

Dyster : 12/06/02 11:29 PM : More info provided
-   I can't edit lilo because I use GRUB. Are there any options besides
going to lilo?

Linegod_7611 : 13/06/02 04:26 PM : Reply received
-   I believe you can add the option to GRUB at boot by pressing 'e' and then
adding it to the end of the line.

Dyster : 13/06/02 11:55 PM : More info provided
-   I tried adding "no" to "quite" and this did not work.
Thanks anyway.

Dyster : 14/06/02 12:03 AM : Incident closed

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