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How to integrate a new /var partiton after MD8.2

+/- details
User wolfzAz
Incident Number 24700
Date 2002/06/12 04:45
Status Incident closed
Paid Yes

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

Products owned

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
wolfzAz : 12/06/02 04:45 AM : Incident created
-   I neglected to create a separate /var partition at installation, hence the var folder resides on / partition. If I create a new /var partition (I have free space left on hard disk) how will I tell / where the new /var is?? this item has maxed out my / partition twice and has caused the OS not to boot into level 5 xwindow.Can I make / partition large with out having to re-install all of those wonderful apps? John Steele Az, USA

Linegod_7611 : 12/06/02 07:04 AM : Reply received
-   The quickest way to do this would be to use 'harddrake' to format the new partition,
and mount it as '/varnew' (you can create that directory prior to running
harddrake). Once the partition is create, formated, and mounted on '/varnew',
drop to run level 1 (to ensure limited info is being written to /var ) - you can do this
by switching to a console, logging in as root and typing 'init 1', and then copy the
contents of /var to /varnew:

cp -a /var/* /varnew

Once this is done, edit '/etc/fstab' and change the entry that says '/varnew' to '/var'.
Reboot and '/varnew' will be mounted as '/var'

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

wolfzAz : 15/06/02 05:03 PM : More info provided
-   This fixed my problem. Thank you. By the way BEFORE you restart the OS you must add a step to format the new partition.

wolfzAz : 15/06/02 05:05 PM : Incident closed
-   Does Mandrake achknowledge some of these "procedural" problems and add section to their manual? or a a comprehensive FAG list?

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