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+/- details
User RadarG
Incident Number 24633
Date 2002/06/11 04:13
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
RadarG : 11/06/02 04:13 AM : Incident created
-   I cant get netscape to install I downloaded the tar.gz I unzipped it but how do I install it? and put a shortcut on my desktop?

Linegod_7611 : 11/06/02 05:57 AM : Reply received
-   You would be much better off with Mozilla, which is the open source version of

Simply type 'urpmi mozilla' at a console as root and then it will appear under

If you still want to install Netscape, there should be an 'install' file in the directory
that was created when you untar'd the file. If not, there will be a README file.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

RadarG : 12/06/02 06:47 PM : More info provided
-   I have used mozilla but I would like to use netscape the browser and mail cliet. I installed the rpm and its listed under the software manager, but how do I put it in the kmenu? under www and mail? I want to put a link on my desktop but I cant find were the executable is at?

Linegod_7611 : 13/06/02 04:25 PM : Reply received
-   You can open up a console and type 'which netscape' and it will give the

You can add it to your menu by using 'kmenuedit'

And to use mail with mozilla, you simply install the 'mozilla-mail' rpm.

RadarG : 15/06/02 10:42 PM : More info provided
-   Thanks problem fixed

RadarG : 15/06/02 10:42 PM : Incident closed

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