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KDE/GNOME applications question

+/- details
User gooseme
Incident Number 24491
Date 2002/06/09 01:43
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Other Components

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gooseme : 09/06/02 01:43 AM : Incident created
-   Hello

I've always used the KDE desktop environment. I'd download and install certain RPM's...most would work...some would not. Recently, I decided to log in to my Gnome desktop and give that a spin. I was looking through the menus and discovered a few of the programs I had previously installed in KDE (the ones that had'nt worked). Well, I clicked on them while in Gnome and they worked!!. I'm curious some programs work only in KDE and some only in Gnome, while still others work in both?.

- Cheers

Linegod_7611 : 09/06/02 08:29 PM : Reply received
-   The app should not be effected by where you launch it. If it installed correctly, the
dependancies are there, so it should launch in any Desktop Enviroment. The best
way to find out what is happening is to try to launch the app in question from a
console, and see what error it produces.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

gooseme : 13/06/02 12:06 AM : Incident closed

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