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Postfix relay issues

+/- details
User rh8x
Incident Number 23435
Date 2002/05/27 01:21
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Mail Server

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
rh8x : 27/05/02 01:21 AM : Incident created
-   Is there a good reason to have Postfix on a Linux box? I use Qmail, but would like to learn Postfix in a private environment.

arhuman : 27/05/02 12:21 PM : Reply received
-   From what I've read (I don't use Qmail only Sendmail and Postfix)
Qmail is a good choice if you focus on security
Sendmail is good if you focus on features/flexibility
Postfix offers a good balance between ease of use/speed/security
Zmailer is good if you focus on speed

Now to my mind, if you already use Qmail, there's no need
to switch to Postfix
(no significant speed gain is to be expected, probably less security,
similar complexity)
One reason to switch could be the need for mail scanners which USUALLY integrate
more tightly with Sendmail and Postfix)
Another one would be the desire to experiment ;-)
(and this one is always a good one !)

Linegod_7611 : 28/05/02 07:06 AM : Reply received
-   The primary reason people move to Postfix is ease of use and security. The second
issue usually revolves around the non-GPL status of Qmail. From a Mandrake point
of view, the majority of the packages are designed to work with Postfix/Sendmail,
which may be another consideration.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

rh8x : 16/06/02 03:41 AM : Incident closed

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