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telnet or SSH

+/- details
User Ganther
Incident Number 22712
Date 2002/05/17 16:27
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Secure Shell (SSH)

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Ganther : 17/05/02 04:27 PM : Incident created
-   First I am a newbie to linux I have installed Mandrake Linux 8.2 but have not configured any of the server stuff yet.

I was reading that using openSSH instead of telnet is more secure to remotely access your computer here is my question..

I do not know how to set up SSH so that I can "telnet" remotely log on to my computer. Do I have to set up any of the server stuff first. If so what do I need to set up.

Do you have any easy to follow steps on setting up SSH so that I will be able remotely login to my computer by using a program like putty.

Problem I have found is that most sites assume that you kind of know what you are doing and to be honest I don't, but I am interested in learning so any help or links you could provide would be great.

delyan : 17/05/02 05:53 PM : Reply received
-   Step 1
install SSH ( all the packages openssh-XXXX)

Step 2
start the server from console (you can configure it to start automatically, too):
service sshd start

Step 3
Test the connection
Either from another console, other linux, try
ssh [email protected]
from windows, with putty.

If this helps you, don't forget to close this ticket and rate the expert!


Ganther : 17/05/02 07:36 PM : More info provided
-   delyan thanks for the help but I am needing more detail ssh is installed but when I use putty it does not connect

Linegod_7611 : 17/05/02 10:08 PM : Reply received
-   Type /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd status , ensure it is running. Then type

# ssh localhost -v

Ensure that you can login. Then try PuTTY and record any errors you recieve.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

delyan : 18/05/02 11:52 AM : Reply received
-   did you have a firewall setup ( what mandrake security level you specified) ? if this is the case you
need to open port 22 on the firewall.
pls, post the output from:
ipchains -nL
iptables -nL

Ganther : 19/05/02 05:00 AM : More info provided
-   delyan Thanks for the help it was my fault I d/l the wrong putty
and was tying to connect with an telnet version of putty thanks for the help
I will close and rate your help.

Ganther : 19/05/02 05:02 AM : Incident closed
-   Thanks for the help guys I have lots of other question I need answered so
so I hope you can help..

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