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man life

+/- details
User elendal
Incident Number 2245
Date 2001/11/08 02:59
Status Reply received
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Development

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
elendal : 08/11/01 02:59 AM : Incident created
-   man life

DaveF : 08/11/01 03:43 AM : Reply received
-   NAME
life - utility for converting simple compounds into more complex ones

life {-r|--reproduce} MATE_NAME

life {-c|--consume} SUBSTANCE_CLASS

life {-e|--egest} READING_MATERIAL

life is a powerful utility which serves to take (relatively) simple
compounds, decompose them into their constituent elements, and use these
elements as the building blocks for the construction of more complex
substances. There are several phases to these operations which are
generally grouped into sub-classes such as respiration, catabolism and
reproduction. The utility always returns with exit status 1 if
reproduction is not invoked prior to the completion of the routine.
There are many more available switches than those documented here.
Typically, life is documented by trying different combinations of
switches until some form of quasi-success is obtained.


-r, --reproduce MATE_NAME
Institute one or more child processes which function with a
fusion of the parameters of this process and the process
specified in MATE_NAME

-c, --consume SUBSTANCE_CLASS
Produce simple compounds from the constituents of SUBSTANCE_CLASS
and use the output as variables to be sent to a process of type
or more specific such as CLASS:DAIRY_PRODUCTS

Recycle inputs superfluous to the utility while using
READING_MATERIAL as a diversion of other faculties not directly
engaged in the process

Too many to name. Try rpm -q --requires life for some hints

Depending on the flavour of the installation, variously known as God or
Jehovah or Allah, etc. Full documentation can be found at

None that we care to admit

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