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Linksys LNE100TX V4 EtherFast Series LAN Card

+/- details
User rodger
Incident Number 2234
Date 2001/11/08 01:05
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
rodger : 08/11/01 01:05 AM : Incident created
-   Why doesn't Harddrake recognize my LAN card?
I am running a BioStar M7MIA mb with an AMD 761 chipset powered
by a 1gig Thunderbird processor. I used the Linksys card in a PCI slot
to connect my RCA 225 cable modem to the PC. Although Harddrake "sees" but
doesn't recognize muliple AMD and VIA devices, my LAN card isn't even listed
in the device manager! After hours of playing with the Pheonix BIOS
and moving the LAN card from slot to slot, I finally gave up and reloaded
Mandrake, this time using the "auto-discover" feature to set up the network. An amazing
thing happened after the software loaded... I clicked on the "Mandrake online"
icon and was immediately connected to the website.. Yipeeeeeee.. I then ran
Harddrake again to look at the LAN card and guess what, it STILL isn't shown. Duhh..
What's up with that? Also, are there any resources for the undiscovered AMD
devices (1022700e and 1022700f) and the Apollo Super ACPI ? I believe the
problem involves the VIA VT82C686. Harddrake doesn't seem to have a problem
with the VT82C586 devices.. just the 686 stuff.
Any help is appreciated.. I'm a new convert from M$. Just couldn't get past the
"gotta call big brother" feature of XP.
[email protected]

Linegod_7611 : 09/11/01 02:43 PM : Reply received
-   Take a look at the output of 'lspci' and see if it is seen there.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this

rodger : 12/11/01 09:25 AM : More info provided
-   Thanks for your help Linegod.. It appears this card is recognized.. just not shown in Harddrake. I am so new that I don't even know how to close out this incident.

Linegod_7611 : 13/11/01 02:13 PM : Reply received
-   Down in the left hand corner, you should see:

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   Close the incident

rodger : 08/01/02 03:51 AM : Incident closed
-   It amazes me that people still help people voluntarily. Linux will suceed because of it's people.

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