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urpmi and sources

+/- details
User Runlevel0
Incident Number 21291
Date 2002/05/01 02:25
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.2
Architecture x86_32
Scope Administration

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Username : Date : Action : Comments [ close all ]    
Runlevel0 : 01/05/02 02:25 AM : Incident created
-   Is there any way to pass the --target HOST argument to urpmi in the way rpm --rebuild --target HOST does ???
Even tampering with the perl script ?

Linegod_7611 : 02/05/02 05:16 PM : More info requested
-   It might be better if you gave an example of what exactly you are trying to
accomplish, since there might be another way to accomplish it.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this incident.

Runlevel0 : 02/05/02 10:47 PM : More info provided
-   My idea was to optimize my system recompiling as many packages as possible for my CPU
(or for any), thus I was thinking on a way to automate the task.
I have a little TCL/TK proggy in mind which would be sorta frontend to rpm (basically, querying packages, resolving dependencies and finelly rebuilding for the target host).
Although the prog would be silly simple, I noticed that urpmi still had some of the features I was trying to implement: it downloads src.rpm's, resolves deps and rebuilds (?) the src.rpm's (correct me if I'm wrong in the latter, I do not use urpmi for installing), in the way apt does in Debian.
So if I urpmi actually rebuilds src.rpm's (like apt-source does) it would only be necessary to add the --target HOST option, put it in a cron job and let it work to optimize the system and avoiding reinventing the wheel.

Linegod_7611 : 13/05/02 09:49 PM : Reply received
-   urpmi simply fetches and installs the rpm. I do not believe that it rebuilds from src.

Runlevel0 : 14/05/02 02:35 PM : More info provided
-   THX, anyway, urpmi wasn't the right choice.
tcl/tk as frontend for plain vanilla rpm will do the job better.

Runlevel0 : 14/05/02 02:35 PM : Incident closed

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