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How to have Win2K's boot prog to manage my du

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User bupkas
Incident Number 1928
Date 2001/11/05 23:01
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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bupkas : 05/11/01 11:01 PM : Incident created
-   I now have w2k on hda1 and my "/" partition on hda5.
Lilo is set at /dev/hda5.
W2K boots only to itself as I need a floppy to boot to linux.
How do I configure w2k to manage the dual boot?

dakota : 05/11/01 11:59 PM : Reply received
-   hello how are you doing now

go to linux and do this

run these commands logged in as root in a terminal

dd if=/dev/hda5 bs=512 count=1 of=linux.lnx

then run this command

cp linux.lnx /mnt/windows

then reboot to win nt

and add the following line to your boot.ini file


and save it

then reboot you should be good to go

dont forget to close your session


Linegod_7611 : 06/11/01 12:08 AM : Reply received
-   Try

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

bupkas : 06/11/01 12:53 AM : More info provided
-   dakota, doin ok now.
I'm prepared to follow your instructions, however I failed to mention that I already have a fat32 partition hda6 mounted as /dev/windows. I use it for mp3s and to transfer files between the two OSs.
The partition with my W2K is hda1 and it is NTFS. Last I used linux NTFS was off limits.
Are there any changes needed?

bupkas : 06/11/01 12:57 AM : More info provided
-   Typo. I meant /mnt/windows, not /dev/windows

dakota : 06/11/01 01:01 AM : Reply received
-   ok then execute the command and then go to boot to windows partition and
copy it from there to the win nt partition follow what i mean

let me know marc

if you are one of the lucky ones who has a working flkoppy disc you can copy
it to a floppy and then copy it to win nt

cp linux.lnx /mnt/floppy would be the command for that


bupkas : 06/11/01 01:23 AM : More info provided
-   Here's what I did. First I executed the first "dd" command, then I inserted the boot floppy to copy cp linux.lnx /mnt/floppy.
Realizing I probably just ruined my boot disk, I created another.
Now how do I copy the link into W2K? Also, if the cp command copied to a floppy that's in ext2fs format, I need to copy it again to a dos formatted floppy.
Then, I still need to copy a link(?) into a .ini file?

dakota : 06/11/01 01:31 AM : Reply received
-   just copy the linux.lnx over to the c drive wher win nt resides it will be
fine then you have to open the boot.ini file in a editor and add the line
that i specifeid


then save it and reboot it should be fine


bupkas : 06/11/01 02:24 AM : More info provided
-   In mandrake the floppy has linux.lnx... in w2k it's not visible.
I've gone into the folder options and made everything visible, but still no file. Even so, the floppy which I had reformated before using shows only 1.38MB free space.

dakota : 06/11/01 02:28 AM : Reply received
-   that file is not very biglet me ask you a question win nt uses basically two
partitions one that holds the boot loader and one that holds the system
where did you place it and how did you copy the file into winnt and can you
see the file while exploring the floppy in winnt

let me know


bupkas : 06/11/01 02:35 AM : More info provided
-   Even tho the floppy shows 1.38MB of free space, it shows itself as empty in Windows Explorer. There's nothing there to drag.

dakota : 06/11/01 02:41 AM : Reply received
-   ok format the floppy in fat stlye and recopy the file on to it from linux
then put it on the c drive


bupkas : 06/11/01 02:44 AM : More info provided
-   that's what I did. I formatted a new floppy in w2k then booted into Mandrake and recopied onto the floppy. I'm back in linux and it appears on the floppy as type "unknown".

dakota : 06/11/01 02:47 AM : Reply received
-   no you cant do that format it in fat winnt uses a ntfs file system and linux
can not right to it formet the floppy with the fkoppy formatter in linux it
is in configuration on the kde menu bar under hardware


use the dos format

bupkas : 06/11/01 03:00 AM : More info provided
-   Did it, but no change.
I know when I installed w2k it automatically sought and found win98 creating a dual boot. I wonder if there's another way?

dakota : 06/11/01 03:02 AM : Reply received
-   try to copy the file to your win98 drive and then from your win98 drive to
the winnt drive there is floppy problems in 8.1 you might be experiencing it

let me know


bupkas : 06/11/01 03:03 AM : More info provided
-   That was the first time I installed w2k. Win98 is now gone forever from my hdd.

dakota : 06/11/01 03:12 AM : Reply received
-   the only way to do the dual boot is you have to get that file onto your
winnt drivedo you have a zip drive by any chance


go to the root directory just click on the word root and see if you see the
file in the folder or not and you can also use the file search to try to
find it as well and when you find it check out to see what size it is right
click on the icon then choose properties it will tell you there let me know

bupkas : 06/11/01 03:31 AM : More info provided
-   Not enough payoff. I'm going to install lilo. It worked before, I expect it will work again. The clear message is, linux provides more options, more openness. I did a quick search on and there was info on the boot.ini file and what specifics mean, but I didn't see one thing about linux. Not surprised. :)

bupkas : 06/11/01 03:36 AM : More info provided
-   Now where's that lilo config...

dakota : 06/11/01 03:39 AM : Reply received
-   lilo will not boot your win nt it will corrupt the winnt boot loader and
boot files

but if you want to try anyhow the lilo.conf file is in the /etc directory

let me know marc and by the way did you find the file

bupkas : 06/11/01 04:02 AM : More info provided
-   I found it and it's 512 bytes.
You recall when I had the problems with th 01 01 01 written over and over to the screen? It was occasional and then you told me how to clean out the mbr so I could reboot w2k.
I'm looking at lilo.conf and comparing it to what I had on the previous install.

The differences are:
-none- ..............................vga=0x0122

What if I just type the difference and execute lilo?

bupkas : 06/11/01 04:09 AM : More info provided
-   [root@CX47716-C root]# lilo
Added linux *
Added failsafe
Added NT
Added floppy

Now I need to recreate that boot floppy and reboot. Whew!

bupkas : 06/11/01 04:18 AM : More info provided
-   Well, I did it. But all I changed was a single char in the first line.
boot=/dev/hda5 became boot=/dev/hda
W2k started to boot and I interrupted and rebooted and I then booted linux.
The only oddity was when linux booted, the screen went blank until X started.
Have any idea why?

dakota : 06/11/01 04:18 AM : Reply received
-   lilo will not start nt the only way to do it is to leave the lilo file alone
and get that image on the c drive trust me try to copy it onto another
floppy disk you have got to get that file to windows hell burn it on to a cd
if you have a cd burner but you have to get it there or you will be useing
the floppy boot disk for a long time and by the way the file is on the
floppy you have already made that is about the right size for what is what
is left on the disc

see what you can do trust me on this

if you copied it to a dos formatted disc created in linux nt should see it

try this to copy it cp /linux.lnx /mnt/floppy

it might have got placed there instead

let me know

bupkas : 06/11/01 04:34 AM : More info provided
-   I suppose your using the same browser interface I am. I've posted my efforts and all seems ok except for one scary event. Remember the blank screen? When I rebooted out of root my monitor warned me I was waay out of spec. A synch signal of over 100?Hz was being fed into my monitor. I immediately pushed the off button. Now that I want to actually try "cp linux.lnx /mnt/windows/linux" my tranfer partition, I'm afraid to reboot mandrake. I wonder why that h... I'm going to change... I wonder how I can... I can reboot in that ?safe mode was it? Here goes. If I get in ok, I'll recall lilo.conf.saved and change it back to lilo.conf, execute lilo, copy linux.lnx to /mnt/windows and see how it goes.

bupkas : 06/11/01 04:53 AM : More info provided
-   I know this may be getting a little freaky for you by now, but the copy to /mnt/windows worked. I'm in w2k and I copied linux.lnx to C: .
I'm going to rebuild the mbr using the repair console then mod the boot.ini file as you stated.
Whatever changes I made to lilo.conf have been reversed. I hope executing lilo restored me to the previous state.
I need a food break. I haven't eaten since breakfast. Not until I do this thing.

dakota : 06/11/01 04:58 AM : Reply received
-   yes it is probably because you have a frame buffer and it was altered by
some means the setting of it resides in the lilo.conf file upload a copy of
it and let me see it i will check that out to see if it is the reason why


bupkas : 06/11/01 05:13 AM : More info provided
-   This column is getting too narrow. Replying off original post's root.

bupkas : 06/11/01 05:18 AM : More info provided
-   I copied linux.lnx to C:, used repair console to fixmbr, altered boot.ini...
The result? I rebooted, both OS's were listed, but upon selecting "Mandrake" a fresh screen appeared with "LIL-" at the top and then nothing.?
I'm attaching my lilo.conf file as it stands and as it originally was after the installation.

dakota : 06/11/01 01:41 PM : Reply received
-   i got one file that uploaded the one i go is right it has the boot=/dev/hda5

if the one you are useing does not have boot=/dev/hda5 then you need to
change it to /dev/hda5


bupkas : 06/11/01 08:13 PM : Incident closed
-   Check out "NT OS Loader Linux mini-HOWTO" at NT-Loader.html

Special thanks goes to expert "dakota" for his help walking me through the process.

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