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Connection Sharing ftp client problem

+/- details
User bluegreenone
Incident Number 16877
Date 2002/03/07 22:37
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 BETA - Bug report
Architecture x86_32
Scope Networking

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bluegreenone : 07/03/02 10:37 PM : Incident created
-   I am testing out Mandrake 8.2Beta3 and Beta4 on my desktop computer. I have gotten Connection Sharing working with it and my WinME laptop just fine except for 1 strange error. I can't seem to get any ftp clients working on my WinME laptop. I can log in with ftp, but trying to do a "dir" just freezes the client. I've tried this with 2 clients, and a few different ftp sites. All other internet apps seems to work fine (email,ICQ,IE). When I stop connection sharing and just connect the laptop directly to my DSL, ftp works fine. Please help!

Linegod_7611 : 09/03/02 01:02 AM : Reply received
-   When going through NAT translation (which is what connection sharing is doing) you will have to set your FTP client to 'passive' mode. Most Linux clients do this automagically,
but you will probably have to set your Windows client to do this manually.

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

bluegreenone : 09/03/02 11:25 PM : Incident closed
-   Setting my ftp client to PASV mode did indeed solve the problem I was having. I still have to figure out how to make the Windows DOS prompt ftp client set to PASV, and one ftp site doesn't seem to like PASV, but this particular problem is solved.

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