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Unable to install NVidia kernel driver

+/- details
User aerandir
Incident Number 15553
Date 2002/02/23 14:59
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 9.0 BETA - Bug report
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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aerandir : 23/02/02 02:59 PM : Incident created
-   hi there,
I tried to install the NVIDIA kernel drivers. When I compile the kernel package (v. 1.0-2314) it seems to compile ok, but then it can't delete/create the /dev/nvidia0 file. I get the felloring error:
size NVdriver
text data bss dec hex filename
661259 43936 52396 757591 b8f57 NVdriver
Warning: loading /lib/modules/2.4.17/kernel/drivers/video/NVdriver will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - NVIDIA
rm: cannot unlink `/dev/nvidia0': Operation not permitted
mknod: `/dev/nvidia0': File exists
Couldn't create device "/dev/nvidia0".
make: *** [package-install] Error 1

if you find anything out, please mail me at [email protected]

Linegod_7611 : 24/02/02 09:43 PM : More info requested
-   Are you doing 'make' as root?

Note: If this answer resolves your problem, please remember to close this question.

aerandir : 25/02/02 12:11 PM : More info provided
-   yes I did it as root (and the /dev/nvidia0 entry has permissions:
crw------- 1 root root 195, 0 Jan 1 1970 /dev/nvidia0 )

aerandir : 25/02/02 02:43 PM : More info provided
-   ok, i finally did get it to work :-) although i had to hack around a little bit. this is how i did it:

first i restartet my machine with deactivated mount=devfs in the lilo konf and entered the maintainance mode (interactive startup). there i edited the scricpt so it didn't create the nvidida0 device-file by removing the '0' in the for-loop. so far so good. exitet the console and statet X when the system was up. the driver worked fine ... until the next reboot (with devfs enabled again - dont know if that really has something to do with it). It seems that first upon a fresh bootup that the original /dev/nvidia0 was not there - so X couln't start - when i recompiled the nvidia kernel driver it again complained about not being able to remove/add /dev/nvidia0 - it was there again ?!?
so i restartet again (with disabled devfs - you never know) and entered maintainace mode. the nvidia0 (and likewise nvidiactl) file was missing again. this time i started the (original) directly and this time it did its job and created all the nvidia[0-3] and nvidiactl files succesful. seems to work fine now (devfs enabled and restartet multiple times now without problems) and openGL applications run just fine.

hope anyone can bring some sense in this.
good luck

Linegod_7611 : 26/02/02 05:07 AM : More info requested
-   It sounds like msec (security permissions) is messed up, or you have it set very high. The next time you try to make the drivers, try lowering your
permissions first.

aerandir : 26/02/02 10:09 AM : More info provided
-   do you mean the Sytem Security Level ?
That is set to medium. When i just checked in DrakConf System Security gave the fellowing output to the terminal:
rc : /usr/share/mcc/default/gtkrc
package libsafe is not installed

don't know if that helps anything.

ps: should i close this thread or might there be more to this ?

Linegod_7611 : 27/02/02 01:58 PM : Reply received
-   I think you can close this question for now, but when NVidia releases another driver, or you upgrade your kernel and have to recompile the NVidia driver, if
you could lower your security level prior to compiling your kernel, and then repost the question if it still generates errors, it would be appreciated.

aerandir : 27/02/02 06:52 PM : More info provided
-   ok and thanks

aerandir : 27/02/02 07:01 PM : Incident closed
-   although i finally (somehow) solved the problem myself, linegod helped to understand what (probably) caused it and surely would have helped my fix it if i hadn't beat him to it ;-).

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