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Sound Problem

+/- details
User cleny
Incident Number 1515
Date 2001/11/02 20:02
Status Incident closed
Paid No

Product 8.1
Architecture x86_32
Scope Installation

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cleny : 02/11/01 08:02 PM : Incident created
-   Installed 8.1 last evening Fresh install used to have 7.1 harddrake seems to configure my sound card and plays an 8 bit sample but the only sound that comes out of the speaker is static. In 7.1 I used sndcfg to configure the card but that seems to be removed from 8.1. my sound card is a model 8338 from c-media thanks for the help


leemel : 02/11/01 08:11 PM : Reply received
-   sndconfig is still there. Its in /usr/sbin/sndconfig.
You might want to start in multiuser without X (go to shell tool - su to root-
type init 3 and wait)
then login as root to one of the terminals, type sndconfig (it should
have /usr/sbin in your path as root) and go from there.
You might want the IRQs, memory settings and DMA settings for the card if it
doesn't auto detect. there are some options for the command line so that it
doesn't auto detect.

Linegod_7611 : 02/11/01 08:11 PM : Reply received
-   The program you are looking for is 'sndconfig' and if it isn't installed, install the 'sndconfig' RPM.

stregone : 03/11/01 12:15 AM : Reply received
-   Check the "PnP OS Installed" in the BIOS: this setting has to be on "NO".
If you haven't installed sndconfig, you can install it from Linux Mandrake CDs.
Then use it to configure your soundcard. If you have Windows, you could use it
to have some data on your soundcard (I/O, IRQ, etc.).

cleny : 03/11/01 01:33 AM : Incident closed
-   thanks all for the quick responces

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